How to make a website, part 2, complete site made from 0 in HTML, CSS with image gallery - video tutorial

This tutorial describes a site using HTML and CSS, covering all stages: website development,
creating an account on a free hosting and finally uploading files our website on that hosting, free hosting is a fast method of putting a website our online within a few minutes, the disadvantage of this method is that we will have some ads displayed at all times at the top (header above).

Anyone who wants to open a website, you need to know HTML and CSS, do not need to be an expert in HTML (Hyper Text MArkupe Language), but some code information is absolutely essential to understanding how these things work.

Even if you build one site, you still have to have no idea of ​​what is happening through those files will require periodic correction of errors or achievement of changes.

Many people run away from code, many liken code to hieroglyphs, it's not like that at all, someone once said: "CODE IS POETRY", he was right, when you see that something is born from a series of lines of code, you feel wonderful, you build a virtual world with keyboard and mouse only.

We used applications built by software companies for a long time, we only did computer operation, it's time to do programming, in fact it is not a programming language, it is a "markup language", but we will refer to it's like a programming language, because it sounds pretty weird "markup language", HTML is one of the easiest programming languages ​​(markup) used nowadays, we see HTML on any site, many software have in they components of HTML, this programming language is everywhere, it's time to learn it.

The first time can be less daunting, but if you are careful than you will understand immediately that not everything is it so difficult are simple and beautiful things, we create something with our hands, that's the most important thing.

We will learn the basics, then we learn how to enter text in a web page, then we will arrange and will color the text, we use a page style CSS (cascading style sheets) with which we will place all the elements of the page HTML at all so that you will place on our website is made to look like one piece.

You will learn simple techniques, basic HTML and CSS, although these are basic things in HTML and CSS, will create an overview enjoyable.

For this tutorial you must arm yourself with attention and patience, this tutorial is not something we can afford to carry on little, if scroll few seconds you may miss something very important and you will see afterwards no longer make sense, concentration the information is extremely high and that's why I ask you to be very, very careful.

After this tutorial, even intensive course I would say, you will have a better idea what HTML and CSS, you can control the code well and you fully understand HTML document, feeling that HTML is not only an array of heroglife will dissipate, you know what it is when you look at an HTML or CSS one.

We will learn about tags (tags), we have here some examples of tags (tags) that you can use in an HTML document, do not worry, do not have to memorize them all, you need to learn just the basics in the first table the rest can be found here on the site or on the net when you need them.

Even the tables are ordered these tags, are made using HTML.

Basic elements (tags).

Define a file format Web
document header
Tilul document
HTML page body
BGCOLOR = color The background color of the page
TEXT =color Text color on the page
LINK =color Unvisited link color page
VLINK =color Visited link color of the page
ALINK =color Link Color during the click user exacutat
BACKGROUND = url Background image page
<Hn> <Hn> The subtitle of the document level (n = 1-6)
Specific attributes of the framed text
SIZE =n The text size is 1-7
FACE ="A, b" Specify font: aIf available, or b
COLOR =s Text color: either a color name or an RGB value
information preformatted
HTML Comenatriu
Material centers in page
horizontal ruler
SIZE =x Ruler height in pixels
WIDTH =x Ruler width in pixels or percentages
NOSHADE Disable display of shadow for the horizontal ruler
ALIGN =x Alignment horizontal ruler on the page (left, center, right)
COLOR =x Color horizontal ruler (IE only)
Mark type anchor
HREF =url hypertext reference
HREF =#name Reference to an internal anchor
Name =name The definition of internal anchors

Items to lists .

Description definition
List type definition
Within definition
Feature list
<OL Ordered list (numbered)
TYPE =type The numbering. Possible values: A, a, I, i, 1
START =x The number of started the ordered list
<UL Unordered list (marked)
TYPE =crafts Form bookmark. Possible values: circle, square, disc.

Character formatting elements .

Paste text in bold
Paste text in italics
Paste highlighted text
Monospaced font text
citation bibliogarfica
Listing Program
Style highlighting logic
Text keyboard
Highlighting strong logic
Program or variable
<BASEFONT SIZE = n> Specifies the default font size of the page

Elements for frames .

Defining writing page
COLS =x The number and relative size of the columns
ROWS =x The number and relative size lines
BORDER =x Specifies the “on” or “off” status for the FRAMESET frame (1 or 0)
frameborder = x Specifies the frame size
FRAMESPACING = x The amount of space between two adjacent frames
The definition of a specific frame
SRC =url URL source for the frame
NAME =name Frame name (used in conjunction with TARGET = name as part of the anchor mark
Scrolling =scrl Define option bar derulare.Valori possible: on (activate), off (inactive), auto (automatic)
frameborder =x The size of the border around the frame
marginheight =x The extra space above and below a certain framework
marginwidth =x Suplimetar space left and right for a specific
Section page displayed to users who can not see a frame
Framework (only (IE)
SRC =url frame source
NAME =s The window name (useful for TARGET)
HEIGHT =x Embedded frame height
WIDTH =x Embedded frame width

Elements for tables .

HTML table
BORDER =x table border
cellpadding =x The extra space within table cells
cellspacing =x The extra space between table cells
WIDTH =x Imposed width table
FRAME =value Fine adjustment of the table
RULES =value Rulers fine adjustment table
borderColor = color Specifications Table border color
BORDERCOLORLIGHT = color The lighter color of the two colors specified
BORDERCOLORDARK = color The darker color of the two colors specified
ALIGN =left Aligns the table to the left margin of the page, and the text flows right side
ALIGN =right Aligns the table to the right edge of the page and the text flowing to the left
hspace =x Suplimetar horizontal space around the table
vspace =x Suplimetar vertical space around table
COLS =x Specifies the number of columns of a table
Defines a set of column definitions using markup
<COL WIDTH =x> Defines a column width in pixels
Defines the table heading
Defines the table body
Line table
BGCOLOR =color Specifies the background color for the entire line
ALIGN =alignment Cell alignment on the current line (left, center, right)
Data cell of the table
BGCOLOR =color Specifies the background color for the cell data
colspan =x The number of columns that covers current cell data
rowspan =x The number of lines stretching current cell data
ALIGN =alignment Aligning the fabric of the cell date.Valori possible: (left, right, center)
VALIGN =alignment Vertical alignment of the material from the cell date.Valori possible: (top, bottom, middle)
BACKGROUND =url Specifies the background image for the table cell
noWrap Do not allow splitting lines of text within a cell
ALIGN =baseline Align data cells to the baseline of adjacent text
ALIGN =character Aligns a column to a specific character (the default character is ".")
ALIGN =justify Align both the left edge and right edge of the text

Items for adding images.

<IMG Marking input images
SRC =url Source File graphic
ALT =text Alternative text to display, if necessary
ALIGN =alignment Aligning the picture on the page. Possible values: top (top), middle (in the middle), bottom (below), left (left), right (right)
HEIGHT =x Image height (in pixels)
WIDTH =x image width
BORDER =x The frame around the image when it is used as hyperlinks
hspace =x The extra space around the image horizontally (in pixels)
vspace =x The extra space around the image vertically (in pixels)

Forms elements.

Active HTML form
ACTION =url CGI program on the server that receives data
METHOD =method How data are transmitted to the server (GET or POST)
<INPUT Camp text or other data input
TYPE =option Input field type . Possible values: text, password, checkbox, hidden, file,
Radio, submit, reset, image.
NAME =name The symbolic name value field
VALUE =value Content default text field
CHECKED = option Button / checkbox marked by default
SIZE =x The number of characters in a text field
SIZE =x The maximum number of characters allowed
Group checkboxes
NAME =name The symbolic name value field
SIZE =x The number of menu items that are displayed once (default = 1)
MULTIPLE =x Allows multiple selection of menu items
<OPTION Particular choice in a field
VALUE =value The resulting value of this selection menu
Camp reinforcement text on multiple lines
NAME =name The symbolic name value field
ROWS =x The number of lines of text box
COLS =x The number of columns (characters) per line of text box
Share logical form in parts
Name associated set of fields (fieldsets)
ALIGN =s Specify the alignment legend (explanation) displayed (top, bottom, left, right)
tabindex =x Specify the order items when the user presses the Tab key
ACCESKEY =c Which provides specific key from the keyboard shortcut associated with a particular item
DISABLED The element is inactive, but is displayed on screen
readonly The element is displayed on screen but can not be edited

Advanced elements.

Specific information about model styles
TYPE =val The type of style model. Usually "text / css"
Usually includes a script Javascript in your webpage
LANGUAGE =language The language used
EVENT =event Event that triggers the execution of specific scripts
FOR =numeobiect Object Name page on which acts script


If you want to visit the site conducted tutorial, you can access at this address:

I recommend you unzip the attachment and study the three files html or CSS file using Notepad ++ or another editing program web pages in this way can make changes cau can even make notes during it you will learn html without you account.

You wish you a pleasant and welcome you at the following tutorials in this series and beyond.


by Dan Constantin

Related Tutorials

About Cristian Cismaru

I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day.
Learn as you learn!


  1. Very nice, tons of information in this tutorial.
    This tutorial can be called infusion of HTML and CSS.
    Maybe you do not get to learn in a few months you can learn here in an hour or so, I've seen it all before being posted and can say that impressed me quote information can fit in a tutorial.
    At one point I felt the need to drink water, although I only watched the tutorial, nor did I want to think, quoting Dan drank water after that.
    There is something not to learn HTML and / or CSS after this tutorial.

  2. dumitru32 said

    Aoleu, what I've been trying to learn for about 3 months, I don't seem to have the time…
    Thanks a lot, I watch it carefully!

  3. Cristi-adminVery nice, tons of information in this tutorial.
    This tutorial can be called infusion of HTML and CSS.
    Maybe you do not get to learn in a few months you can learn here in an hour or so, I've seen it all before being posted and can say that impressed me quote information can fit in a tutorial.
    At one point I felt the need to drink water, although I only watched the tutorial, nor did I want to think, quoting Dan drank water after that.
    There is something not to learn HTML and / or CSS after this tutorial.

    Cristi yes you are right but I'm disappointed because I believed that you will do tutorialu

    • It's not nice what you said this thing honestly tell you, this man struggled about a half hour to teach you how to make a website from 0 and you say you're disappointed because Christ did not? You can imagine how much work has made omu and while losing to teach us each foundation html and css, Gandesa yourself before you open your mouth or not you would agree to deposit work and then you let others comment unnecessary and 're disappointed not put someone else created this tutorial, thank you where you learn

  4. beak:
    Cristi yes you are right but I'm disappointed because I believed that you will do tutorialu :(but anyway dan bravo very good tutorialu

    What do you think, that ended the series on "How to make a website".
    In the next tutorial will be me.
    Because what the next tutorial I will need to be watched this tutorial conducted by Dan.
    What I present is different from the tutorial I made aza Dan, but the information in it will be indispensable for proper understanding of things.
    Are several ways of publishing content on the web, but all have a common denominator, HTML and CSS, without them you can not do anything.

  5. Cristi-admin:
    What do you think, that ended the series on "How to make a website".
    In the next tutorial will be me.
    Because what the next tutorial I will need to be watched this tutorial conducted by Dan.
    What I present is different from the tutorial I made aza Dan, but the information in it will be indispensable for proper understanding of things.
    Are several ways of publishing content on the web, but all have a common denominator, HTML and CSS, without them you can not do anything.

    Hello Cristi, will come a series of php or js?

  6. Alex:
    Hello Cristi, will come a series of php or js?

    We talk about everything, but also PHP and JS site binds to HTML, HTML can not be without.
    PHP is used more for data extraction from databases, all the HTML web pages are, be it dynamic websites (php, dhtml, asp, jsp, cf) be it a static site, we use HTML, no he can not do anything.
    Many people make a big mistake "I don't want an HTML site anymore, I want a dynamic php site", it's a big mistake, HTML is used almost everywhere, whether we are talking about dynamic sites or static sites.
    JS (java script) is not the same with JSP (Java Server Pages) that depends on a server, JS sites are used for certain scripts, no need of any server scripts JS can run in any browser without the need the server component, and in this tutorial, Dan used a series of scripts JS (photo gallery), to stuff punctual uses JS, there are no full sites with JS instead are full sites using Java server Pages that is something else, although they seem the same.
    I know that you started studying the "code" a long time ago, this tutorial is an excellent help, Dan did an extraordinary thing with this tutorial, you don't even realize how valuable this tutorial is, under the tutorial you have almost all the tags ) used in HTML, you can use them, especially since each one has a description.
    Do not let your ALEX, break code, it is based.
    Believe me, you lack NOT FOR POTENTIAL!

  7. wow a lot of very well structured information so that anyone can understand. I personally looked at the tutorial just for the sake of finding out something new, and as the tutorial progressed I was amazed at how easy a site can be made, not too loaded and very pleasant to look at. Congratulations for this tutorial but also for all the others. I look forward to the next "infusion" (cristi's words) with information.

  8. Congratulations!! Very nice tutorial, it'll be a Romania full of Web designers

  9. It'll be a tutorial dreamweaver? Dc not use Dreamweaver or in your tutorials?

    Congratulations for all the tutorials… you are the strongest 😉

  10. wolfwarine said

    Hi..the tutorial is really great .. there are really "tons" of information..and I who think that I had to learn the basic html in frontpage 98 'doing dozens of tests taken from books from the library because I didn't have a net at that time and now I can watch a tutorial that explains everything I need to know .. it can be seen that I have evolved :))) .. I liked the fact that it was explained step by step and that they were put on site all the basic commands + an example that can be worked obvious that you know what you are doing you are real teachers !!
    Yet much of those working in web design using programs that automatically make orders and my question is will you make a tutorial with such a program ??
    I know that you made this tutorial for understanding the commands and thus a better understanding of web design programs ... but I'm still curious to see what you will continue with this series of tutorials because there is a lot of talk on this topic even if some consider it boring when it comes to tutorials like the one made by Dan which I congratulate on this occasion for the tutorial…

  11. dumitru32 said

    johnn: When will be a tutorial dreamweaver? Dc or not in use Dreamweaver tutorials you? Congratulations for all your tutorials ... you are what hottest

    By the way, is there any difference between these HTML editors ???

  12. Hi guys asking me scz not talk about this amazing tutorial but I have a problem and hope you can help me because I see that you have a lot of experience in computers

    Miam recently put 7 Windows Ultimate and I tried to but no bag Daemon Tools is a text version mere.Imi not met, as they say to give and give and give but baptized again and again dau.Ma can help with a solution? there may know something more sal bn me how do I Need Help plz! \


  13. I hope you can help me.

  14. Rizi: I hope you can help me.

    Try using tools lite version of dameno downloaded from its site on Windows oficial.Eu I 7 7600 RTM build and use the latest version of Daemon Tools Lite smoothly, if not, you can try Virtual CloneDrive is all free, you find the google

  15. Very cool !!!
    Super idea with these tutorials on how to make a website
    I want to see in the future how we do the tutorial on a web page eg a virtual catalog of products or catalog, a magazine contents etc., etc. I mean catalag visualize that as we look through a magazine. In this tutorial we were asked 1 such ideas or notes.

    Keep up the good work
    S'auzim only good

  16. thanks a lot;):)

  17. Build Windows 7 7100 I give a try thanks anyway;)

  18. gpaVery loud !!! Super idea with these tutorials on how to do a tutorial siteAs like to see in the future how we do on a web page eg a virtual catalog of products or catalog, a magazine contents etc., etc. . I mean catalag visualize that as we look through a magazine. In this tutorial we were asked 1 such ideas or notes. Keep it asaS'auzim only binegpa

    Stay easy to make a shopping site is for the group. It has more php, as saying that Cristi, do not have no html. As I browse a magazine's flash, the flash you AS. And I expect so, but until we see based tutorials that I did not understand that.

  19. Rizi: I have Windows Build 7 7100 give a try thanks anyway;)

    No matter what system you have, notepad go on any system. Yes, I mean the utility ws a site you're writing and comments in this section. As long as good save extensions will not be anything different from one made in DW or Coda or whatever.

  20. I had a problem with daemon tools Dasta I said what I read above system;)

  21. dumitru32: By the way, is there any difference between these HTML editors ???

    Yes it is, some are smart, it helps you write for example

  22. Alex: No matter what system you have, notepad go on any system. Yes, I mean the utility ws a site you're writing and comments in this section. As long as good save extensions will not be anything different from one made in DW or Coda or whatever. (This if you wish to go get tutorials) As someone said on the chat problem as solved it.

  23. Rizi: I had a problem with daemon tools Dasta I said what I read above system;)
    I only saw that instead of editing, I gave quotes like a fool. So who can delete it please (Sorry, I'm not used to this topic)

  24. dumitru32:
    By the way, is there any difference between these HTML editors ???

    Normal k is, in dreamweaver you can also work in design mode…. and you don't have to know so many tags. I don't know how well he made sites… but my opinion is that it would be easier in dreamweaver.

  25. Thank you for your positive comments about this tutorial.

  26. Corleone said

    Hi, I wanted to ask Cristi.admin if he received what I sent him last time and if there are any chances to appear.What do you say Cristi… the webcam thing…?

  27. deblender can do if you heard a tutorial is not very difficult to use, but for some it

  28. Laurentiu said

    Hello, I also have a problem, I copied a site properly, when I want to open another page on the site, it seems to me that the net would not work, I give "back" and if I press the Home button, I can use all the pages. These days I would like to modify the site with "SeaMonkey" because I haven't worked with a site for about 4 years and I kind of forgot to make a site, I'm waiting for an answer

  29. Hi. Indeed there is a lot of information condensed in this tutorial and might beginners, including like myself, to be a little
    Confusing the extent of knowledge that you have to have to
    build a website.
    I for one, I flirted a bit with HTML, but I used another way.
    Instead of directly learn this language, apparently abstract, that comes to life only when viewed in a browser, I preferred to use a dedicated software, with which you can build a website directly.
    That program is Microsoft Office FrontPage and gives you 3 possibilities:
    1., DESIGN ', you can edit the page only by bringing and arranging the elements
    constituent (pictures, flash movies, gifs, text, etc..) translation is done automatically in HTML, CSS including E & P.
    2., SPLIT ', this seemed to me the most pleasant way to edit, because it divides your page into two sections, one to work directly with the graphic elements and the other with the code.
    3. 'CODE', you can write directly in HTML code if you are advanced.
    What's even more interesting is the fact that in the SPLIT mode, if you want to find and modify the portion of code responsible for a certain graphic element, it is enough to click on that element, and the program will highlight it immediately.
    Add to this the fact that you can preview everything you do without using a browser.
    In this way anyone can learn HTML, in a natural, pleasant and intuitive way. It is enough to act on the page and see what changes occur in the code. You also have on the site, a tutorial with, Seamonkey'which does, at a much smaller scale, about the same thing.
    Obviously, those who want to deepen their knowledge in this field and become advanced should not be satisfied with that atat

    Sincerely, Romeo.

    • Andrew said

      There is also Adobe Dreamweaver (older version) - very easy to walk with, it looks like the Front Page.

  30. To illustrate the above points I posted here a picture:

  31. Romeo: To illustrate the above points I posted here a picture:

    True, programs WYSIWYG type advanced can display live and code and results as displayed in the browser, in addition to Microsoft Front Page (newest is called expresion Web) longer and Dreamweaver is the highest-rated program of its like the incorporation of native Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Fireworks etc.
    Thanks for the suggestion Romeo and expect yourself with additions and suggestions at least as interesting.

  32. bvo dan for the tutorial, I still haven't been able to see him head to tail, I forgot to jump. I'm glad you used the lightbox… I really want to implement it too. I'll make time to watch it all!

  33. Nicu Dumitrescu said

    First of all I want to assure you that I am not the man who, as he does not understand something, it quickly with questions and expect "Walls in the mouth". I learned from lot to thank all those who contributed to this tutorial. This time I have to ask some explanations. Namely: After I watched the tutorial a few times and I understand somewhat what they eat HTML (and started to like very much), I followed the instructions of Mr. Dan and I started to write the letter with letter codes. The job went very well because we put stop to videotutorial and copy the codes in my page. When Dl.Dan introduced at a time many codes I got stuck because there was no room vertically so you can see everything and do not know where to write further because, as I said, not vertically there was room (end screen ...) I am very upset because of this that has emerged since the tutorial (HTML) housewife me to learn and I stuck here in half. If there is a solution to this problem please and enlightened me. I hope not to bother anyone if my problem is childish and will apologize now.
    Sincerely ND

  34. Nicu Dumitrescu: Hello,
    First of all I want to assure you that I am not the man who, as he does not understand something, it quickly with questions and expect "Walls in the mouth". I learned from lot to thank all those who contributed to this tutorial. This time I have to ask some explanations. Namely: After I watched the tutorial a few times and I understand somewhat what they eat HTML (and started to like very much), I followed the instructions of Mr. Dan and I started to write the letter with letter codes. The job went very well because we put stop to videotutorial and copy the codes in my page. When Dl.Dan introduced at a time many codes I got stuck because there was no room vertically so you can see everything and do not know where to write further because, as I said, not vertically there was room (end screen ...) I am very upset because of this that has emerged since the tutorial (HTML) housewife me to learn and I stuck here in half. If there is a solution to this problem please and enlightened me. I hope not to bother anyone if my problem is childish and will apologize now.
    Sincerely ND

    Download the archive with the files made in this tutorial (you can find the archive under the name "DOWNLOAD TEST FILES") and then after unzipping, right click on the html files and choose the "Edit with Notepad ++" option.

  35. Nicu Dumitrescu said

    Excellent! Thank you very, very much
    True, it's a little harder at first (and I'm right at the beginning!), But I have a lot of patience and ambition. We can't wait for your answer. Thanks again. (I hope to show you a website made by me soon. At the age of 72 I have a lot of time, I really don't know what I would do if it weren't for you…)

  36. Hi! I have come to the conclusion that you are a necessity for me more than air and water! Thank you for these tutorials and for the fact that you have patience with us (those who still have a long way to go). I am waiting for the news every day with I'm finally starting to understand what it means to make a website! Until recently it was a taboo subject, unattainable for those who have not finished a school in the field. I am aware that what we see in the tutorials is only a small part of the whole, but at least that's how we know how huge is that "whole" Thanks again.

  37. Cristi-admin:
    True, programs WYSIWYG type advanced can display live and code and results as displayed in the browser, in addition to Microsoft Front Page (newest is called expresion Web) longer and Dreamweaver is the highest-rated program of its like the incorporation of native Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Fireworks etc.
    Thanks for the suggestion Romeo and expect yourself with additions and suggestions at least as interesting.

    Some web pages creators critical because these types of editors produce pages much larger than necessary, leading to an underperforming operation of web browsers. This is largely true because web pages using products based design table. In addition, the product has been criticized in the past for producing code that often were not W3C standards, but this has been greatly improved in recent versions. However, Macromedia has increased the support for CSS and other ways technology design without having to use design based tabel.Asa I read, then conclude that all Notepad ++ is best supported?

  38. gabi:
    Some web pages creators critical because these types of editors produce pages much larger than necessary, leading to an underperforming operation of web browsers. This is largely true because web pages using products based design table. In addition, the product has been criticized in the past for producing code that often were not W3C standards, but this has been greatly improved in recent versions. However, Macromedia has increased the support for CSS and other ways technology design without having to use design based tabel.Asa I read, then conclude that all Notepad ++ is best supported?

    Very true what you say, programs WYSIWYG advanced are not the best examples to follow when it comes to code generation effectively, after some modifications with Microsoft Front Page (expresion Web) or Adobe Dreamweaver, remains quite invalid code that slows rendering pages in the browser, but to a clueless these software are very helpful, not everyone can view the code in mind, users need tools easy, no one has the patience to generate default code to build web pages with notepad.
    Yet many web developers using Adobe Dreamweaver or Front Page to shorten the running time, but they know how to use tools that corrects mistakes Debug type of code automatically.
    In general, "old school" programmers disapprove of the use of this method of work, of course somewhere they see threatened their sector in which they operate, implicitly jobs, they found that overnight the world does not need so many programmers. or web developers, that is, the world is moving forward.
    I think that soon they will disappear developers working exclusively with IDEs, with the advent of CMS sites many things have started to change in course for the end user.
    To make your website is no longer a problem, it put up a blog in minutes 5, 20 minutes a forum is online.
    We need to focus more on the content of these platforms, after all the man does not come to admire the site design or code, it comes to content, this is the most important element for: site, forum, blog, etc.

  39. A curiosity I had myself. Does a site made this way could be indexed by search engines? If so, under what conditions? It has introduced a plugin something? How do I change tags?

  40. Please mult..faceti a tutorial on flash player, how to build and what program would be of great help!
    And by the way, nice tutorial Dan, I clarified some things you do not understand at all

  41. ionutGman said

    I have a question short and to the point.
    How do I flash a game and a movie from my calc not on other sites /

  42. Why go here when entering the alert antivirus, you are attacked by viruses?

  43. MarianWhy go here when entering the alert antivirus, you are attacked by viruses?

    Un server pe linux nu are cum sa aiba virusi, noi folosim un server dedicat cu un sistem de operare Linux Centos 5 cu antivirus de scanare a mail-urilor, scanare in ambele sensuri(si intrare si iesire) care vin pe sever sau care pleaca de pe server, de un an de zile nu am depistat nici un virus in atasamentele de mail, programele care ruleaza pe linux nu se potrivesc pe windows. Sau tu credea-i ca tinem site-ul pe desktop-ul de acasa si intre doua tutoriale mai descarcam si ceva de pe torrente sau de pe hub-uri (odc), schimba-ti antivirusul pentru ca nu este destul de precis, probabil folosesti AVG, in general el are probleme din astea.
    Nu avem mare lucru la download si nu ai cum sa iei virusi, mai cititi si voi inainte sa vorbiti, toata lumea vede virusi peste tot, antivirusul poate sarii pe scripturi sau pe cookie-uri, acestea nu sint virusi, fara ele nu ar putea functiona internetul asa cum il stim noi in ziua de azi.
    Antivirusurile dau frecvent alarme fals pozitiv, adica sufla si-n iaurtul inghetat, ca sa nu se friga cu el.
    Ai doua variante, ori nu mai vii pe la noi, ori schimbi antivirusul sau il setezi corespunzator.
    Sa stiti ca noi sintem un site serios, nu ne jucam cu securitatea, nici o secunda nu am pune in pericol vreun vizitator sau vreo adresa de mail a acestuia, toate datele pe care le lasati aici sint protejate de orice bot de spam.
    Transferarea fisierelor la noi se face prin SFTP (conexiune cu un grad foarte ridicat de securitate, criptarea se face pe 1024 Biti, postarea continutului se face prin coneziune criptata SSL ("https") cine stie ce inseamna asta sint sigur ca va fi de acord ca securitatea pe este la cel mai inalt nivel, nu impartim serverul cu nici un alt domeniu, sintem singuri pe serverul nostru dedicat si tocmai de aceea am putut implementa aceste masuri cu un grad ridicat de securitate.
    Mai pe scurt, este o fortareata cind vine vorba de securitate, nu stiu citi administratori au asa ceva implementat pe serverele lor, tinem foarte mult la protejarea vizitatorilor nostri si a datelor confidentiale pe care acestia le pun in formularul de comentariu sau in formularul de abonare, nu avem link-uri care sa trimita pe site-uri periculoase, nu avem softuri periculoase la download.
    Ginditi-va inainte sa spuneti asa ceva.

  44. MarianWhy go here when entering the alert antivirus, you are attacked by viruses?

    If someone dares to say something without evidence to support what was said will be withdrawn able to access (to be banned).
    It's easy to throw words, it is difficult to keep the reputation of a website.

  45. I apologize! I did not want to offend me away from this thought, since I found this site I spend a lot of time here trying to learn everything you can. In connection with antivirus avg you are right I'll change it. Regards Marian

  46. I apologize! Far from me the thought to offend, since I found this site I spend a lot of time here trying ssa learn all you can.
    In connection with antivirus avg you are right I'll change it. Regards Marian

  47. Marian: I apologize! I did not want to offend me away from this thought, since I found this site I spend a lot of time here trying to learn everything you can. In connection with antivirus avg you are right I'll change it. Regards Marian

    I personally tested the entry on the site with several antiviruses: Avira, AVG, Avast, BitDefender, Kaspersky 2009, Kaspersky 2010, and the only one that "jumped like a burn" was AVG, the problem is not with us, and -has taken a wrong update and misinterprets some scripts as viruses, you do not have to worry or panic, I would advise you to change it with Avira, it is a very good antivirus. As cristi said , we are not fooled to endanger our visitors, because if we do that, no one will visit us! In the hope that I have clarified you and made myself understood, I wish you a good day!

  48. I fully elucidate. with respect Marian

  49. a little rough answer seems Cristi Marian for about antivirus. the man asked a question that is goal clarification Cable free lessons etc and threat Banat problem seems much the unallocated same thing happen to me with avg but prefer to keep it for me anyway cleared from first occurrence of alarm about what's wrong and frankly, I prefer to blow and yogurt only to fulfill scopul.tot you said that any antivirus is dribbled the keeper hear. well and do not forget to order the I have preached to us about the site: information for knowledge!

  50. nelutu: A little rough Cristi's answer seems about antivirus for Marian. the man asked a question that is addressed explanations lessons etc. The goal Cable free problem and the threat of Banat seems about to unallocated me the same thing happens with AVG but I prefer to keep him anyway for me cleared from first occurrence of alarm about what's wrong and frankly i prefer to blow and-yogurt only to fulfill scopul.tot you said that any antivirus longer hear .de bines dribbled the keeper not forget the goal that you've preached to us about the site information for knowledge!

    You're right, maybe Cristi "exaggerated" a bit but tell me how you would feel if I asked you "Do you know anyone who told me that he saw mice and cockroaches in you… do you have mice and cockroaches in the house ???" how do you feel about this question? It's our house here, we're working to build it… and coming to get dirty is very easy, but cleaning is very difficult. I hope you understand what Cristi meant in the comments above!

  51. I was wrong in how to put a crontab and I assume mistake, I hope to be understood and forgiven :)

  52. I have a problem, why I open my mozilla everything aligns to the left, not like in tutorial center?

  53. noobI have a problem, why I open my mozilla everything aligns to the left, not like in tutorial center?

    You must enter at the top of some html code.
    I suggest you study the test files in archive posted at the end of the article.

  54. Thanks, I have a question, I want to do something in the next picture on a website of my oldest: More than that and not know how to explain it, can you tell me how do? :)

  55. Hi I have a question I searched many websites and I want to know how I might add those wedgeturi left and right in order to add the site.

  56. noob: Thank you, I have a question, I want to do something in the next picture on a website of my oldest: More than that and not know how to explain it, can you tell me how do? :)

    One of templates adapts to your needs.

  57. Many congratulations to all tutorials made so far. Indeed the best site in Romania. Beats me long to start to learn html thought we did not find any where, a way to learn expicit so that in this tutorial. Congratulations once again.
    I also have a question: Why does an error appear in Internet Explorer - the table on the right comes below the table on the left. This also happens with your file and how do I fix this problem?
    Thank you in advance.

  58. MarYo-Benucci said

    only be afflicted with such site `s or make your site Htlm` s How You A Website come in here and make a site yourself .. it's like a child's play and you pay absolutely nothing you have dozens of themes for the site and much more if you want to watch this video "" "youtube channel had a rather vulgar name "" "Good luck and I hear you've made one too

  59. EmilWhy is an error in Internet Explorer - table on the right comes under the table on the left. This happens when your file and how do I fix this problem? Thanks in advance.

    Thank you for aprecieri.Eroarea signaled probably stems from the fact that the line 31 file video.html at the end intructiunii should add "/ object" between larger and smaller signs.

    • Then:
      Thank you for aprecieri.Eroarea signaled probably stems from the fact that the line 31 file video.html at the end intructiunii should add "/ object" between larger and smaller signs.  

      and if not go even now that would have a different opinion? d

  60. I had myself a question! Where do I find the color of links wordpress theme intro. I want to change from green to blue but nowhere do not find the clue. Thank you in advance!

  61. .: I have and I have a question! Where do I find the color of links wordpress theme intro. I want to change from green to blue but nowhere do not find the clue. Thank you in advance!

    click HERE to see how to change the color, click on that button which is yellow in the picture that will be shown more details in text editing panel

  62. Adrian: click HERE to see how to change the color, click on that button which is yellow in the picture that will be shown more details in text editing panel

    It has no effect. It is the fault of the theme. It should be something but do not know stylesheet corresponding links.

  63. .: I have and I have a question! Where do I find the color of links wordpress theme intro. I want to change from green to blue but nowhere do not find the clue. Thank you in advance!

    If you hosted on site you can not change CSS than you pay.
    If you website hosted by you or by a hosting company should walk in css, looking you in /wp-content/tema-ta/style.css, open it and look for this piece:
    * Hyperlinks *

    Here, under "Hiperlinks" change how you want.

  64. Cristi-admin: If you hosted on site can not change CSS platesti.Daca than if you hosted your site or a hosting company should walk in css, looking you in / wp-content /tema-ta/style.css, open it and look for this piece:/************************************************* Hyperlinks *************************************************/Here, under "Hiperlinks" change how you want.

    I searched through css for me jumped covers. I can not find anywhere on that expression. The site is hosted by me.

  65. I would suggest you to do a tutorial about the new OPERA 10… has 100/100 in the ACID3 test

  66. Very educational tutorialul.Ar be interesting how it's done editing in XML.Ar be useful for users of blogs.

  67. Create and made a tutorial how to make a site in php Register and Log In MySql database

  68. I want to uses lightbox effect for movies. How is that for pictures. no such thing, I saw on different sites. I searched but did not find much. Do you know any free script for that?

  69. suntetzi super brother countries tomorrow I will try to do my website and yo: X: X: X will intzeleg will admire all the work and filed for Efforts to
    bult continued success

  70. Hi! I also have a question… ..but first I want to thank you for everything you do… are very good ………
    why with internet explorer 6 it looks very different ??? does anyone else use this version ??? I just tried this version….
    in the same way a distinction is made in characters between ş, â, ţ, ă they do not look good… ..
    that would be most appropriate to put on? I thank you for that answer, if understood.

  71. meta http-equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text / html; charset = UTF-8 "
    meta http-equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text / html; charset = ISO-8859-1 "
    between them is the difference in characters…

  72. Hello

    Congratulations to the site in general and for all the effort I have grace.
    On this tutorial, I have two misunderstandings:
    1) Dan, the moment you insert the pictures, when you open them, you see that "window in the window" (where you can click on a picture on the left or right and it takes you to the next picture). Although I do the same thing in my opinion, it doesn't open up to me like that.
    2) I made several divisions and I would like for example to put in a division other 2 (one on the right for example and the second on the left, but in line). How do I do this?
    Thank you for your help!

  73. george_1951 said

    Dear Mr. Dan, I think you are the most "pedagogical" tutorial maker. Don't get lost in unnecessary details, don't give the impression that you are just now discovering what you have to prove. Congratulations and, personally, I would like to see as many video tutorials as you can.
    My question is as follows (I have to answer my request that school, because not all teachers):
    If I have no nmăcar a lion can do what we've explained all 5 your tutorials on a site? So without buy a domain and a hosting? To be hosted on WordPress, for example.
    If not, why not?
    If so, what is the difference between the variants dua 1, domain and hosting purchased and / or hosting WordPress or Webblog etc.
    But with free domain and free hosting can?
    Thank you very much and congratulations once again ...

  74. george_1951: Dear Dan, I think that you are the "pedagogic" filmmaker tutorials. Do not get lost in unnecessary details, do not leave the impression that only now discover what you prove. I congratulate and personally I would like to see as many videoutoriale made by you.
    My question is as follows (I have to answer my request that school, because not all teachers):
    If I have no nmăcar a lion can do what we've explained all 5 your tutorials on a site? So without buy a domain and a hosting? To be hosted on WordPress, for example.
    If not, why not?
    If so, what is the difference between the variants dua 1, domain and hosting purchased and / or hosting WordPress or Webblog etc.
    But with free domain and free hosting can?
    Thank you very much and congratulations once again ...

    Domain wordpress (one free) free, you have access only to the interface of the Web site, you have access to the Site, the database ftp, are limited, and use only what you give them, if you do not have to be limited, it would mean do whatever you want, put advertisements, banner ads and not know if you jump seem right to earn money with a free service! if you get a free hosting and free domain again have to suffer because those hostingu although do what you want, you'll get in pages advertisements of them which you can not do, in general hostingurile free are very limited space, and where you put ... as you deposit a job site and wake up tomorrow after tomorrow hosting company that disappears, or you take the name of the site, you give out ... you have worked for nothing? If you want something on which to remove and if you want something really gotta pay ... if you want to play to practice you can use the free (hosting and domain) dinferenta of the free and the money is as free're limited and play as they sing and to do what he bought at your muscle!

  75. george_1951 said

    Domain wordpress (one free) free, you have access only to the interface of the Web site, you have access to the Site, the database ftp, are limited, and use only what you give them, if you do not have to be limited, it would mean do whatever you want, put advertisements, banner ads and not know if you jump seem right to earn money with a free service! if you get a free hosting and free domain again have to suffer because those hostingu although do what you want, you'll get in pages advertisements of them which you can not do, in general hostingurile free are very limited space, and where you put ... as you deposit a job site and wake up tomorrow after tomorrow hosting company that disappears, or you take the name of the site, you give out ... you have worked for nothing? If you want something on which to remove and if you want something really gotta pay ... if you want to play to practice you can use the free (hosting and domain) dinferenta of the free and the money is as free're limited and play as they sing and to do what he bought at your muscle!

    Thank you very much, Mr. Adrian. This time are pleasantly surprised by your promptness. I think I understand the essence of the response. Respect!

  76. should not people learn to write tags capital letters, and not to mention deprecated tags

    otherwise, good job, well done

  77. Marius Andrei said

    Congratulations for this tutorial and all other tutorials. I respect the work that you do.
    But I would need help. The opportunity arose to create a complex site and I needed some documentation. For example, how can I make someone create an account on which to put their files for sharing (not piracy is about courses). And to make a personal page… is quite complicated and I would like some help; possibly recommend me some sites to learn how to do this. Thank you and I wish you much success in the future!

  78. dan please help me if you can: I have a big problem, I did him a site year html and css and it shows how I want him only on work but on Internet Explorer and Mozilla sees it mixed badly the antelege not because of anything is that please help me ayi will send pm with the link to see what it is

    • ormanDan please help me if you can: I have a big problem, I did him a site year html and css and it shows how I want him only on work but on Internet Explorer and Mozilla sees everything mixed bad antelege not everything because nothing is this please help me ayi will send pm with the link to see what it is  

      I would like you to help me in the same problem… what are the instructions used to see ok in IE? I really need to be able to open in IE… any suggestion?

  79. ami tell you Cristi Dan dan ???

  80. Salutare.este super hard tutorialul.insa problema.vreau I have a site to do a kind online store. can someone help me?
    Thanks, Catalin

  81. Catalin: Salutare.este super hard tutorialul.insa I have a problema.vreau to make a sitegen online store. can someone help me?
    Thanks, Catalin

    I recommend using Zen Cart
    At the address : You can test this application.

  82. Then:
    I recommend using Zen Cart
    At the address : You can test this application.

    I looked before I posted here on zen-cart… ..but it's very strange I don't understand anything about it.
    another thing you said that feceti a video and how to walk in cpanel.

    We look forward to seeing you!

  83. Thanks so much for a tutorial so good!
    I need some advice. I tried to insert three images, which they have named all three image not only see their name, meaning I image, image, image and not see those pictures. The good part is that if I click on any of them can see their image magnified, I next, prev, close, everything is ok aici.Nu understand where I'm wrong and you can not see the pictures in May mici.Ce sizes advised me do?

  84. ana: Thanks so much for a tutorial so good!
    I need some advice. I tried to insert three images, which they have named all three image not only see their name, meaning I image, image, image and not see those pictures. The good part is that if I click on any of them can see their image magnified, I next, prev, close, everything is ok aici.Nu understand where I'm wrong and you can not see the pictures in May mici.Ce sizes advised me do?

    The problem occurs when signaled by you is misspelled the name of the folder in which there are images or image name.

  85. Then:
    The problem occurs when signaled by you is misspelled the name of the folder in which there are images or image name.

    names the images differently… for example:

  86. find out how many users is as if we wordpress site?

  87. Hello. I want to know in what way can create a site that visitors to enable them to create an account. thank you

  88. Claudiu: Hello. I want to know in what way can create a site that visitors to enable them to create an account. thank you

    You must install a CMS.Detalii find here.

  89. @ claudiu… besides the possibility of using cms, there is also the possibility to make your site in php and mysql with users.

  90. Thank you exist VIDEOTUTORIAL.RO.

    Every day I learn more and more on this wonderful site.

    Thanks to all those involved in this project.

  91. Dan, you're great>: D <(the rest of them), more beautiful and easier than you could 😉

  92. Very good tutorial but I have a problem with it: I can not fast forward back to watch again if I want to give passages forward or backward replay occurs and I have to watch it from the beginning. Can I download this tutorial somewhere I can watch it with MediaPlayer?
    Thank you

    • atticVery good tutorial only have a problem with it: I can not fast forward back to watch again if I want to give certain passages back and forth occurs replay and I must watch it from the beginning. Can I download this tutorial you can watch deundeva to a mediaplayer?
      Thank you  

      You can not download any video tutorial on this site because it is the content of our own, which we worked was we create, if however you do you will be banned, adik access this site it will be restricted 1300 the users are already banned for this and they did pray for us to raise the limit.

      The decision is yours!

      • Adrian:
        You can not download any video tutorial on this site because it is the content of our own, which we worked was we create, if however you do you will be banned, adik access this site it will be restricted 1300 the users are already banned for this and they did pray for us to raise the limit.

        The decision is yours!  

        I'm not going to leeching but can be put into a format that allows me running and running?

  93. Hi, it is very useful tutorial but unfortunately only goes up to the minute 53

  94. I did exactly the same (with minor changes, but if everything is perfect daschid browser), but not the entire site appears to me (I do not appear all images, texts) .I tried other hosts, but can help degeaba.Ma someone?
    App very good tutorial.

    • MihaiI have done exactly the same (with minor changes, but if everything is perfect daschid browser), but not the entire site appears to me (I do not appear all images, texts) .I tried other hosts, but can degeaba.Ma someone help?
      App very good tutorial.  

      check all links to pictures to be like: ../dosar/fisier.extnot appoint unto shape e: //// file

      ascertain the exact file names to be written (I happened to walk because I do not extension files that were written in uppercase and lowercase link)

  95. Hello,
    I can not see the whole tutorial on the half takes over again, you have ideas why?

  96. and I go to open it in browser but fail to change the background color remains white and does not change I think that it makes the connection between CSS and index.html file if maybe someone writes me once which makes ordering connection between the two thanks in advance

    • Ioneltaiefrunze said

      ghita: And I go to open it in the browser but can not change the background color does not change and remains white thinking that it makes the connection between CSS and index.html file if it can once someone writes me that is the command that connects the anticipated douamultumesc  

      Suppose your site consists of an “index.html” and “style.css” files. Link from index.html to css style, edit the index.html file and between tags and enter:

      • Ioneltaiefrunze said

        Suppose your site`ul consists of a file "index.html" and "style.css" .Sa do index.html link in the style css, edit index.html file and tag between urilesiintroduci:

        I don't know why it can't be seen above, I'll try again, this time with the code without "":

        -link rel = ”stylesheet” type = ”text / css” href = ”style.css” / -
        Instead of "-" add "" at the end.

  97. I studied I could already go again and goes perfectly tutorial problem was
    I have not entered the code between head and / head and there they run commands are inserted browser THANK promptness

  98. cristhian75 said

    hello, I watched this tutorial "How to make a website, part 2, site completely made from 0 in HTML, CSS with image gallery - video tutorial"
    I even downloaded those test files, I made changes to the text, image, logo… but I need a database on the server where I am hosting.
    how can this database?
    thank you!

  99. maybe the admin here helps me too… what instructions must be used for the site to open in internet explorer properly ??! does the divisions shift 🙂 so… pls… anyone?

  100. Thank you, it's hard bro!

  101. Good evening
    I would like to know if I can download the videos so that I can watch them more comfortably by going back and forth more easily using bs playe or gom player… .. Thank you very much for these tutorials

    • flaviusDear searaAs wants to know if I can download videos as you can watch them more comfortable giving or before May inapoicu ease using bs mold or GOM Player playe ... .. Thanks strengths better these tutorials  

      We disagree with downloading these video tutorials on
      Newer and here you can scroll back and forth, no longer have to wait to load, no longer need to wait to charge.

  102. very useful tutorial, but very complicated with someone who is bad with programming….

    I searched on the site and not only, a tutorial about Macromedia Dreamweaver, but I was not lucky… It seems much easier than notepad ++, but I still can't handle it… I miss a lot of things….

    It can make a toturial about it?

  103. Hi, super tutorials and congratulations. I also have a small problem… I made a site that opens well with my work, but with internet explorer it looks crazy (messy). I think I forgot something, if you could help me would be excellent .Thank you

    • LeonardDear, super tutorials and will felicit.Am and I have a little problem ... I made a website that opens well with my work, but my internet explorer seen elsewhere (messy) .Cred I forgot something, if you could help it would be great .Multumesc  

      With pleasure we would like to help you, unfortunately such problems can not be solved so easily, there is a classic recipe, the problem vary from theme to theme.
      In general fault of whoever created the theme or plugin, if it is a free theme you can not have pretensions, move to the theme commercial, even if you choose all theme free, test it on all major browsers in advance.
      In general, Internet Explorer is a browser that does not forgive any mistake, Firefox is a very elastic, easy to overlook errors, as well as opera or chrome.
      Internet explorer problems should not be ignored, Internet Explorer is used by almost 50-60% of users.

  104. Thanks a lot, I see a fix!

  105. and I go to open it in the browser but can not change the background color does not change and remains white thinking that does not link the index.html file and css
    if you were me aajuti
    Thank you

  106. very good tutorial and list of html tags, thank you very much and I have a question tutorial adobe dreamweaver cs4 you feel that you could? thank you and good health.

  107. Hello, I saw a tutorial hosting a web site, but do not know unde.Va please give me the address, say it's the best and it firsthand .Multumesc!

    • LeonardHello, I saw a tutorial hosting a web site, but do not know unde.Va please give me the address, say it's the best and it firsthand .Multumesc!  

      Put it and read the section Similar articles under the tutorial, see there is something in red where it says: "How to make a website, part 1, domain and hosting - video tutorial" ??? click there on that title and you get to the tutorial, you would have found it if you simply typed in the box "search on…" in the upper right: hosting, then enter

  108. I have a question …… .if I made the site itself… .how can I get it to be on GOOGLE… to appear in the search engine….?

    • Claudiu: I have a question ...... .If I did STECF itself ... .How can I put it ... GOOGLE be the motto to appear in search ....?  

      As you can see and as it is written in the title of the tutorial, this is part 2, there are 3 more parts !! Under the tutorial you have Similar articles, and under it tutorial titles written in red (by clicking on them you will get to the tutorial) or write in the box "search on…" from the top right: part 3 or 4 or 5… enter and you will find the "episodes" where there was talk about his ideation and "placement" in google.

  109. I would like to know which of the 5 parts of the tutorial are indicated on how to put my site on GOOGLE…. WITH RESPECT

    • Claudiu: I would like to know which of the 5 indicate parts of the tutorial is how to get my site on GOOGLE ... .With SELF  

      Our slogan as you see above in the banner is "Do you think you know everything about PC?"

      Do you think you are so upset that it would hurt to see all 5 episodes? If you had to watch young and restless I would understand you but so asa 5 episodes is "many"

      Do you find that you are comfortable and that's pretty much fuss for something heartfelt and free? You have no power of inference? you can not even read the titles and to deduce which one would it be? Even so came romanu, not to read, but do not think to be offered everything under the nose?

      My advice if you want to understand what it's really about is to watch them all head-to-tail because they have a great connection with each other… and if you will watch that episode directly and there will be talk about something you don't know but it was discussed in one of the 5 episodes, and you're going to say "domleee… so where did we talk about" this "thing?" Isn't it better to look at all 5 parts? I say it's better to lose and you won't have anything to lose and you won't waste your time either !!! It's your decision, don't be so comfortable anymore, put your eyes on the work, reading is the mother of learning. When we were learning IT, we did it reading on Wikipedia and on foreign forums, we struggled honestly I tell you, there were no more than 4000 blogs debating topics, there is no documentation or forums in Romanian! What would we not have given to have then a ohohooo. You have it and you don't know how to cherish it, besides you also make noses…

  110. Claudiu
    I m I watched a tutorial page 3 times I did a sketch on paper ie how to show what sizes to AIAB
    then I have started working this year are the 4 century site and are increasingly better Primada modify doaar some stuff we changed the logo after I changed the banners they have made in photo shop and it's not so hard as it seems
    simply need to know that you want it or not,
    Now one year on vecinu chemama to install my winamp and now I'm going to mount and install the PC or win here it appears that only you gotta do

  111. So I made a page in html I say very beautiful but when I give someone to enter that page everything looks messy the writing is no longer aligned and the images mixed through the page so everything goes crazy only on my pc it looks bn…. .Why does I not write something well?… .I am waiting for an answer… Thank you in advance

  112. @Gigi: When creating a web page, test it on the 4 main browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome. The most "pretentious" in terms of writing html code is IE.Here Find how to correct problems rendering Web pages by IE.

  113. So I nam understood one thing on my pc but when I give it sees the perfect site to a friend Tuto seen mixed this problem was I on my test PC with Mozilla, Opera, and IE but do not know why you can see so

  114. Thanks for the tutorial, you are good at what they do, I hope to continue, I had a small problem can only understand how to solve the problem description.

    So, I modified the site a little, but the structure remained the same (a little of it: P), I know html and css quite well, but I just can't solve this problem,

    on the picture page, I open the first picture and after that, the next button appears at the bottom of the picture, next to the close button (at the first picture all the buttons are in place), thus creating 2 problems, cancel the close button, the prev button it's ok all the time, I know it's a code error, but I just can't find it, I went to the code, yes I didn't enter lightbox.css or lightbox.js.

    One suggestion ?? from anyone. Thank you

  115. why it does not appear on the home page, as shown in the pictures and video tutorial although I do like them akolo

  116. We stayed nailed to the chair 84 minutes, even if you know html (not perfectly), I watched all pasii.Felicitari Dan, a tutorial very reusit.Pacat of those problems with IE when you open the site :(. Congratulations again!

  117. drshomeboy said

    Yey! Now I know how to do division!
    Dan Constantin THANK YOU!

  118. I have a problem firefox appears that creiuon for me not to find out the color code and so can not put a color that I want a suggestion please

    • gabytza: I have a problem firefox appears that creiuon for me not to find out the color code and so can not put a color that I want a suggestion please  

      Here You can determine the code for the chosen color.

    • gabytza: I have a problem firefox appears that creiuon for me not to find out the color code and so can not put a color that I want a suggestion please  

      In primu all is said not pencil creiuon
      In the 2 century all you need ColorZilla add-on for Firefox that has to have Dan in tutorial

      Add-on you can download the HERE (Click on the word here in red and then click on Install ColorZilla)

  119. Who wants to know simply and easily the color HTML I give a simple suggestion I say..the Vistoolbox 3.0 program right click-Options and voila… to be loved..and congratulations for. those from "Videotutorial".

  120. Hello
    Please creator of turorial or whether users can submit all the code that was written to be able to analyze and change!
    Thanks very much in advance!

    • sergiu: Hello
      Please creator of turorial or whether users can submit all the code that was written to be able to analyze and change!
      Thanks very much in advance!  

      Download the files made after the tutorial above. Access the "DOWNLOAD TEST FILES" link. Then you can analyze / change them with Notepad ++ or another html editing program.

  121. marius coman said

    Hi, I'm new to make a website. I've got to work a site 10 pages. I thought to use html + css for that I server where to post sites made based CMS (joomla, wordpress) but the problem for which I want to find an explanation is how to make the site content to be in English except Romanian.

    Thanks in advance and waiting your reply by mail if possible.

    I wrote and I could not find the answer to the problem posed.

    Marius Coman

    • marius comanHi, I am new to make a website. I've got to work a site 10 pages. I thought to use html + css for that I server where to post sites made based CMS (joomla, wordpress) but the problem for which I want to find an explanation is how to make the site content to be in English except romana.Multumesc advance and wait your reply by mail if poate.Am wrote and we did not find the answer to the problem Marius ridicata.Coman  

      Realize two folders (one site in Romanian and each site in English) and an index.html file that will initially be open utilizator.Acest file will have two links: Romanian and two links English.Aceste will in turn connects to the index.html files from two folders.

  122. valentin said

    Howdy !
    Congratulations on the video tutorials you make, they are very relevant
    "And you can learn many things.
    I tried to do a simple site (only index. html and CSS file) taking as example videotutorialul made Dan (no. 2), we introduced all instructions carefully and problem occurs: the layout is shifted to the left corner without headers can be viewed ..
    can you help me with a solution? (As seen with mozilla firefox and IE)
    THANKS !!
    PS. (Header and left image in GIMP are done by me) and the width and height of videotutorial

  123. valentin said

    Howdy !
    back with a statement that (I think is important), I discovered file
    style.css, the penultimate instruction not colored in green or orange (not really have the colors)a:hover ,ci ramane albastra
    pentru editare , folosesc notepad++. Aceasta sa fie problema? si daca da ce pot face??
    Am "randat" restul si e perfect
    astept raspuns. multumesc!

  124. valentin said

    I think the only real viruses are the ones some people dream of at night. what nonsense! .. to say that you enter VIDEOTUTORIAL.RO and that you are attacked by viruses…
    leave me?..
    install your eset node 32 with license if you are still afraid of viruses. AVG? (PROBABLY FREE VARIANT) - it only notifies you…

  125. valentin0001 said

    Suppose I make a news site… When creating the site I only add one news… then I put the site on that hosting server, and if I want to add more news on the site what will I have to do?

    • valentin0001: Suppose that I would make a news site ... In creating the site ... then I just add a bag news site hosting acelserver, and if I will like to add news on the site will be to do?  

      You have the following solution: In a division realize index.html page and the right side where you insert time you posted the news, and when the user clicks on that date redirect to html file that contains news associated datei.In way this when posting a new news have to do two things: 1.realizezi the post html page news; right panel insert html link to the file you created earlier.

  126. valentin0001 said

    I created the site exactly as it was for you but when I created the instructions for divisions in the style file… The #header division does not show it in blue but in black. The other divisions were written in blue.
    {#tot (this was written in blue)
    0 margin auto;
    800px width;

    #header {[here it was written in black (Only in this division did it appear written in black… in the others it was written in blue)]
    width: 796px;
    float: left;
    border: solid 2px #CCC;
    height: 160px;
    margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
    background-image: url (test / logo.jpg);
    border: solid 2px #ccc;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

    • valentin0001 said

      valentin0001I have created the site exactly as it was to you but when I created divisions instructions to file a style ... Division #header not look blue but black. The other divisions were written in blue.
      {#tot (this was written in blue)
      0 margin auto;
      800px width;}
      #header {[here it was written in black (Only in this division did it appear written in black… in the others it was written in blue)]
      width: 796px;
      float: left;
      border: solid 2px #CCC;
      height: 160px;
      margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
      background-image: url (test / logo.jpg);
      border: solid 2px #ccc;
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;  

      I managed to fix this problem but I have next problem now ... I do not display the logo and picture on the left ... Why not show me images ...

      • valentin0001:
        I managed to fix this problem but I have next problem now ... I do not display the logo and picture on the left ... Why not show me images ...  

        There could be two reasons: not indicated right path to image or no image in the place indicated.

  127. valentin said

    Howdy ! I rewrote the code (the part related to: hover…) and now everything is perfect in terms of code, but the layout remains unchanged
    practical when browser renders if he had read the instructions on the logo (header) and stanga.jpeg image (logo also is in jpeg format, so we saved after you've created in gimp)
    Practical image browser appears in the top left stuck without header and in the division, just where it left image appear butonele but the color of the background. please tell me what I can do (eventually send you my code with your logo and you have my eternal gratitude
    wait for response! thank you in advance

  128. ionutzelut said

    I would pretty please help me
    I did everything I only have style website,
    but it's very cumplicat I tried to write it a lot of times but I out wrong.
    Please send me nice messenger ID or chicken on the site here please beautiful design.

    • ionutzelut: Hello.
      I would pretty please help me
      I did everything I only have style website,
      but it's very cumplicat I tried to write it a lot of times but I out wrong.
      Please send me nice messenger ID or chicken on the site here please beautiful design.  

      Search above:DOWNLOAD FILES TEST

  129. Good tutorials, tinetio all asa.O single question navigation menu as it's best to do: javascript, flash or CSS.
    Dreamweaver tutorials and some would be great if you could add, especially spry.

  130. Traian said

    I performed a static site, but without CSS.
    This tutorial is exactly what I lacked to build .css file.
    Thank you!

  131. interesting

  132. brothers if you luatil hosting the not advertise but no commercials za capacities for good

    • daniel: If you want hosting luatil brothers on not advertise but no commercials za capacities for good  

      Thank you for recomandare.Am used long ago lor.In services bine.Ulterior first phase it was increasing the number of users connection speed becomeness extremely low and many have quit hosting lor.Sper not happen Why It happened in the past.
      Website done in this tutorial I posted and address:

  133. "Http://"

    • Then"Http://"  

      Dan unfortunately no longer works at the link above, it appears that expired "contract" not to have entered the host for a certain period and has been disabled.

      • Cristi-admin:

        Dan unfortunately no longer works at the link above, it appears that expired "contract" not to have entered the host for a certain period and has been disabled.

        I can access without problems link.Contul that was created on 14.03.10.

  134. brothers but domeni of these can put wordpresu
    sal ASFR bag as a site that I really do not like to see other like prezet iladministrez cun oddball asvrea Program and shoved his bag wordpres I lam but I say apple Varagic
    Cable free and is loud and large areviteza 800kb per second even with multi meow said it's good aspects and saitu but not this matters In one site
    and asvrea to put wordpresu imizicesi me how do you braid
    Thank you so countries tinotot
    and will give advice

  135. brothers but domeni of these can put wordpresu
    sal ASFR bag as a site that I really do not like to see other like prezet iladministrez cun oddball asvrea Program and shoved his bag wordpres I lam but I say apple Varagic
    Cable free and is loud and large areviteza 800kb per second even with multi meow said it's good aspects and saitu but not this matters In one site
    and asvrea to put wordpresu imizicesi me how do you braid
    Thank you so countries tinotot
    and will give advice or make a tutorial Bult as sati make a free website

  136. with all free

  137. Very good tutorial, I learned a thing favicon did not know how to insert.

  138. favicon appears in my PC, but not ?? host not know why? I inserted the correct link

    considering that the favicon is in the images folder

  139. I solved ready! It was written in capital letter favicon (favicon), and because of this it does not show

  140. lightbox script does not work, not where pecificat in tutorial and paste script
    #1 image
    That does not work

  141. Ionut Dragu said

    hello I have a problem where you wrote I home, images, video I put else other names that are longer and you give with your mouse on them do not understand nimik I sent a picture when you put the cursor on writing what appears please? ajutatima and me than it's picture ms

  142. Ionut Dragu said

    sorry i do not know why not memorized please tell me how you can edit only appear so

  143. vicentiu said

    Salut.Am a question, what's the difference between a site made by microsoft front page, and that we present in html here?. I have created a website using microsoft front page, with backraund, animated gifs, buttons, flag , and was quite fain.Ideea is that I no longer remember how I made the connection between them, between pages, which was key combination, I say this because this site lam realized some time to make a videotutorial could urma.Ati using microsoft front page, which is easily fffff reazizat a website, thanks cool.

  144. Ajutatima and me ... can expand heaght the page? Without having to resize pictures?

    • Ajutatima and me ... can expand heaght the page? Without having to resize pictures?  

      Change the size of the file style.css.

  145. vicentiu said

    Salut.Am a question, what is the difference between a site using microsoft front page carried, and this in html that we present here? .I Have created a website using microsoft front page with backraund, animated gifs, buttons, flag and was quite fain.Ideea is that I no longer remember how I made the connection between them, between pages, which was key combination, say this because this site lam realized some time to realize a urma.Ati could videotutorial using microsoft front page, which is easily reazizat fffff a website, merci fain

    • Salut.Am a question, what is the difference between a site using microsoft front page carried, and this in html that we present here? .I Have created a website using microsoft front page with backraund, animated gifs, buttons, flag and was quite fain.Ideea is that I no longer remember how I made the connection between them, between pages, which was key combination, say this because this site lam realized some time to realize a urma.Ati could videotutorial using microsoft front page, which is easily reazizat fffff a website, merci fain  

      Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page, etc are programs that allow web pages without knowing much HTML.

  146. vicentiu said

    Ptr Dan.Asta I kinda understand, but the question was what the difference is between them, the idea that what we do in html web page when front page is easy to folosit.Cand make a web page with front page how do links between pages and subpages, which is another key combination or command, and must say 1 Pages, press to connect and press subpagina.Repet yum made me a very cool website, I placed it on the net on Geocities, the law several years ago, and since then I forgot how to do and how to climb on an account page, if I upload all gifs and jpg in page.If account you give me an ID mes.Merci

  147. Congratulations tutorial.

  148. brothers
    can someone help me
    I made a website and went totl ok until today when I tried to connect and will not let me
    I thought password is not good and I do account but still can not leave me it's because the router?

    before I am connected to the modem router if the port spunetimi please you which ports to open or to file Zila intrpduc
    thanks in advance
    is urgent please?

    • brothers
      can someone help me
      I made a website and went totl okpana today when I tried to sign me and not let me
      I thought no good password and I make an account but still will not let me maybe it's because the router? before I am connected to the modem, if the router spunetimi please what port to open or which port to intrpduc to Zila file
      thanks in advance
      is urgent please?  

      it was specified in the filezilla tutorials which ports filezilla uses… did you watch them? we have some tutorials about filezilla, write up in the search box: filezilla, enter and you will find them… usually use port 21-22

  149. I opened them I gave 21,22 ports to connect to those ports, as I set the router port is FTP and still does not work
    datim possibly a link where one can upload maybe something from as far as I have observed web builder is perhaps for that reason may not connect?

    • I opened them I gave 21,22 ports to connect to those ports, as I set the router port is FTP and still does not work
      datim possibly a link where one can upload maybe something from as far as I have observed web builder is perhaps for that reason may not connect?  

      The problem is not in the FileZilla.Cei not allow (at least in the accounts created free) transfer by http://FTP.Exista But the possibility of transferring files through the File Manager provided by that site.

  150. Thank her and promptness

  151. What Romanian does the man have in him… I quote you can also see the dimensions :))

  152. alex_ove said

    Ms for this tutorial… was very useful

  153. Very useful and well explained, congratulations NOTE 10.

  154. localhost said

    look what site I made after I understood from Dan Constantin, he is hosted by me at home, because the register does not work, if I put it on a hosting, believe me I tried to forget: ……………

  155. Bogdan said

    Phew, when inserted in my page spacecraft and distorts everything. Without this script here is normal.
    I have no idea what makes them !!? Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you very much for any feedback

  156. Thanks very much for the tutorial! They are good guys

  157. localhost said

    all are ok, but nush all forces out by Cristi speak slowly (when listening to tutorials have to put the state), Thanks

  158. george2828 said and me please… I am a beginner in sites.uri. I started according to the video tutorial above and I got stuck… no. it shows my favicon..I don't know why..I did exactly what it looks like in the video tutorial and still it shows my favicon poate can anyone help me? please . las id dak is someone eager or waiting for messages fain.gyani222000

    • george2828Hi .. and me please ... are beginner in site.uri. I started as videotutorialului above and blocked ... donTt displays favicon .. do not know why .. I did exactly as shown in display favicon donTt videotutorial yet ... can someone help me? please . dak id let anybody willing or forward messages fain.gyani222000  

      Here Find the website content carried in tutorial.

  159. to me not connecting filezila Crashes

  160. Hi, I also have a question ... I would like to put a site on the web and I don't know how it's better. I created a site, I used apache for the server and dynDNS for publishing on the web to see how it works. (This is just so playful) The problem is that I am in Sweden and I want the site to have ".SE" instead of ".COM, .NET" etc, which is not possible except with a company here from what I saw. What to do?? to pay for a domain here at a web hosting company or to make my own server? I saw that there are disadvantages with my own server and that it would be better to put on a virtual server, the problem is that I do not have much knowledge of how to transfer eg what I work on the site on that server, with the creation of the site there would be no problems but I have never put it on a virtual server… .what do you say? thank you in advance

    • doruHi, I have a question .. I want to put a web site and do not know what's better. We created a site we used for apache server for web publishing and DynDNS to see how it goes. (This is the only way to play) The problem is I am in Sweden and I want the site to have. "SE" instead The ". COM,. NET" etc, which is not really possible than with a company here in what I saw. What to do? to pay for a domain here at a web hosting company or server to make my own way? I have seen it with your own server and disadvantages and it would be better to put on a virtual server, the problem is that I do not have knowledge of how to transfer my ex that I work at the server site, with the creation of the website not as problems but I have not put on a virtual server again .... What do you say? thanks in advance  

      If you want something serious, purchase a ".se" domain. To host the site files, I recommend using the services of a hosting company. I do not recommend hosting your site on a personal server. After purchasing the domain and concluding a contract with a hosting company, you make the desired site and through the ftp protocol you transfer it to the server of the hosting company. I recommend looking for hosting companies that offer as much traffic as possible, php support, databases, etc.
      If you have big claims then you can opt for free hostinguri but of course with many shortcomings (low traffic area aaaaa.bbb.ccc shape, low access speed, etc.)

  161. Very good tutorial Dan, one of the best tutorials I've seen on this site

  162. Laurentiu said

    hello, make a website and I want to be beta, plz help

  163. Traian T said

    Hello, Please tell me some where leeching folder with files I've seen in the tutorial.
    Thank you

    • Traian T: Hello, Please tell me some leeching folder where files that I saw in the tutorial.
      Thank you  

      You climb into the bridge at the crete ghita and you find them there…

      Make a little effort, visitor, and read the text displayed under the tables above… see them… do you notice any red writing that says DOWNLOAD ??? Aaaa haven't you seen him yet? Well normal… how to read you… you can't do that… reading is for the saints… you will listen to salami and gout “they are good” and “we are bad” that we make you read… awful.

  164. Laurentiu said

    It really helped me and I know and give peak download, I now want to do an online store, if you want I will give you the link when we raise the net

  165. vlad cuckoo said

    Please write me where to insert html code in index.html Dan, imagini.html, video.html

    • vlad cuckoo: Please contact me to insert html code in index.html Dan, imagini.html, video.html  

      Yes you do not see to read "DOWNLOAD FILES TEST" in red high above the tutorial? I'm a thread and you can not download them?

      • vlad cuckoo said

        Yes you do not see to read "DOWNLOAD FILES TEST" in red high above the tutorial? I'm a thread and you can not download them?  

        you do not think I've ever seen ?? I downloaded did not solve anything !! there is only one table with tags like in the description and tutorial !!!

  166. I have no words to this tutorial. It is superbly done. 10 +++

  167. all you do is super bravo to you

  168. Bravo to you guys for what you do, but a section for PHP and MySQL programming why not do? I searched the site but only more ready-made CMS platforms etc.

    • Daniel: Guys bravo to you for what you do, but a section for PHP and MySQL programming why not do? I searched the site but only more ready-made CMS platforms etc.  

      Because apart from you and still 3 guys, nobody is interested in these topics and present case does not make sense to us in vain. Look in the sidebar on the right that the world wants and which ones are rated tutorials: spying, messenger, how to read someone's mess archive, how to download youtube, games and that's all. All the tutorials about Open Office suite did not look anybody in the entire series on how to create a website from scratch that contains episodes 6 no one was looking. What to do if you are not interested?

      • Adrian:
        Because apart from you and still 3 guys, nobody is interested in these topics and present case does not make sense to us in vain. Look in the sidebar on the right that the world wants and which ones are rated tutorials: spying, messenger, how to read someone's mess archive, how to download youtube, games and that's all. All the tutorials about Open Office suite did not look anybody in the entire series on how to create a website from scratch that contains episodes 6 no one was looking. What to do if you are not interested?  

        Hello! Thank you for tutorials. NOT looked so far, but we will look. I for one just now I need them and I looked directly on your website.

        All the best!

  169. Precisely because of the tutorials about open office I have added your site to speed dial (I find the best prog office and free).
    For youtube and other sites like "keep tube" add-on firefox. And for espionage, future hackers at least tell them not to be stupid after the net at home.

  170. Super tutorial, I hope to continue with many other programming languages ​​videotutoriale about a difference, I really appreciate what you are doing and CREC as f. Many will be grateful. Thank you for all what you have done, and you do face.God Bless!

  171. Hi guys, I saw unplugged series with creating the site from 0, I would have been helpful now, would very much like to speak to them about adrian (admin) but no offence I like him more acute tutorials, is very explicit, I would be interested in creating a website (surcharge norm) a telephone number, an e-mail, thanks in advance and respect for what you do.

  172. Cristi calls admin, not Adrian, emotions…

  173. Alexandru said

    Good evening. Why can't I watch videos anymore? I was following these tutorials with interest for some time and I was really working on a site. I still needed them, why did you take them out? I was left with the site unfinished. I know it's your site and you have the right to do what you want, but without any upset: I find it disrespectful to readers of your site!

  174. Alexandru said

    You don't even have an answer to give yourself? ”This confirms what I said above. Too bad ... I was expecting something else!

    • Adrian admin said

      Alexandru: Not one response to this case will not give you? ... .asta I confirm what I said above. expect anything else!  Cite me

      No one has taken any tutorial. tutorial is in place and others can confirm that your readers. somehow you are using Internet Explorer? If so, try to go with another browser. We tutorials on all browsers on the market. Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari
      You just need to type into the search box top right of the black edging one of the names mentioned above, you enter and you will find tutorials. Are you sure you have the latest version of flash player? The latest version of flash player is: 10,1,85,3
      To see what version of flash player, go on a video on any website, right click on it and choose from context menu "About Adobe Flash Player ..." you will open a new tab and there will tell you that is the latest version and what version you have. Should you appear at that little table in a new tab that says: "You have 10,1,85,3 version installed"

  175. Bravo. I also made a site without having a domain and host (for now) only because I have a "Forum" button. Here I lost everything. I made a free forum and now I would like to insert it in my site but I don't know how. I understood that you have to put the forum link at the Forum button but I don't know exactly how and where exactly. Maybe someone manages to enlighten me.
    Thank you!

  176. paul filip said

    They are so good not take account of negative criticisms keep everything so nobody learned not born

  177. paul filip said

    I forgot yesterday to vote

  178. Hello! Bravo brother, I love what you do! Worth all the effort !!
    A question…
    Where can I download themes for a site of Radio?
    Pls reply !! if you can email address that I left it!
    Respect! 1

  179. You are amazing! Thanks to the assistance given will have taught him the basics and I started to make my website

  180. Hello. I have watched tutorials about web-sites are f interesting, but I care more.
    I would like to develop information about web-sites dinamice- PHP, databases (SQL / MySQL).
    Thank you

  181. @Mariana Unfortunately you will not receive Santi barely 5 guys who want =))
    No kidding and I asked and was told the same thing that we are too few to make tutorials, maybe if we join to receive a few more tutorials

  182. Hello,
    I made a website but do not go your lightbox when opening the explorer site.
    Instead go with firefox.Imi can tell you how to make it work and explorer?
    Thank you.

  183. Hello make the best tutorials follow them with pleasure; with their help I managed to make my site

    You are the hottest, wait tutorials November

  184. And you say internet explorer version 6, 7, 8 etc.Ai in ie.Pe javascript enabled browsers go? (Safari, opera, chrome) You etc.Detaliaza latest jQuery library if you want to get help.

  185. RedScorpion said

    Hello, first I want to thank you for. work and your help, with your help I managed to make my own site without much trouble, having no knowledge of webdesign or css, php, html, etc.
    I had a rugaminte if possible to make a tutorial how to make a tulbar as the the bottom.
    Thank you and I wish you hope to work further.

    Sincerely, RedScorpion

  186. for a stopper ,,, it's a perfect thing …… and I can only thank you

  187. Hello! And I'd like to know what tag is used to make some subfields of Main Menu !! ONLY IN HTML, CSS free !! A link to what I want

  188. Dan Constantin can you recommend some books or some websites that html and css COMPLETE where I could teach, or give me some sources where you learn too.

    Thank you

  189. dak straw and use this free host with shadowing, pisiu be left open to non-stop work non stop website, or file Zila Trebeše not do that? because otherwise it's not worth me taking another hostu, VBA is consuming more Dl.Cristi more current than they pay to host
    Thank you!

  190. Filezilla is just an ftp client (file transfer protocol), meaning with its help you upload the files to the server. In order for your site to run "non-stop", the server takes care of it.
    Free host is not recommended, I think everyone has 5 euros (2 packs of cigarettes) per month for a paid host, it's enormous.

  191. Bravo guys, I learned to do a site 2 days thanks to you:
    -http: // celmaibunsait ......... ..
    Thank you for tutorial, maqi keep us up to date!

  192. greeting. tutorial is super hard, only that there I give to my signup open a site. Does dc? expect an answer .. ms

  193. All good but it does not say in videotutorial how to make a login, authentication how you respond to messages from readers, so how all that fits in html code ???????

  194. Login and what you want trench server side languages ​​(PHP, or .NET ASPX want to have to say, jsp etc) plus a database (MySQL, Oracle etc).
    Increasingly more, so we hope to tutorials client server side and maybe a jquery, MooTools etc.

    • You're wrong @Daniel .Box sites for user name and password can be inserted strictly in HTML does not require anything altceva.Ar have to check and input forms section of the website from which you have given so much copy-paste: .I appreciate your intention to help, but you missed an aspect, namely that when inserting a new instruction to specify exactly what it represents and how it helps… not only currently copy because you will find out later… and later continue to explain I don't know how many times the basic instructions (html, head, body). My opinion: that site is much more useful, you learn concrete things, not just copy paste… more than sure half of those who made a site following the tutorial they only gave copy paste, without manually entering code after code. The idea of ​​an HTML tutorial should be learning the codes… and not copying them, because there are much better ways to make a site without knowing codes, for example Dreamweaver.

  195. hello, tell me how someone can insert a text box for that people can write comenturi to my website? (Code)

  196. @ vlad in forgotten in the table with forms. for comment you have the addition that you have to process them server-side.

  197. F good tutorial… I just have a problem… I made an account on and I can't upload the site because filezila gives me an error “Could not connect to server”… does anyone know dc ????… plss… as want an answer by email:[email protected]

  198. Very good tutorial. I learned some stuff, you do not know, and now can solve the problem.
    Congratulations tutorial!

  199. Hi, you are the strongest. Thanks to you especially for this tutorial I managed to make a site using your files, I modified the writing, the background et .etc. I haven't uploaded it on any domain yet. Thousands of thanks.
    When you get on your site longer have always learn ceva.Daca tutorials like this please do not hesitate to post it.

  200. bibanelul said

    I'm a bit next to your profile, but I'm following many of your tutorials with interest…
    I would like to know how to make categories drop down a site done in HTML and CSS
    congratulations for the effort and thank you in advance….

  201. Hi… I tried to make a site exactly as Dan said… I didn't manage… too much paste and explain in general… at least I didn't understand the part with the photos. I had to copy the same dimensions after it, the same images that I wanted to make as I like, I couldn't… I didn't understand how to enter a text where I want in which division I want… I apologize but… but this tutorial is not successful

  202. I apologize for writing .. but I wrote in haste

  203. What can I say but to congratulate you! You really helped me out! And thank you!! This website really is a great help! X: X

  204. Laurentiu said

    Thanks for all the tutorials made by you, there are many useful and good things to learn.
    Still has to be present only as places Linc, a picture, a button ..... Only at the end to show what websites.
    From previous comments I noticed that many have encountered the same problems that were not able to follow, step by step, creating pages and hence the multitude of errors reported, except those related to IE.
    However wait a continuation of this tutorial 2b in which to introduce themselves and other issues raised in the comments.
    When a well know the basics, you can experiment and see how it's different.
    Thanks again for your efforts to achieve tutorials.

    • AdrianGudus said

      Thanks for all the tutorials made by you, there are many useful and good things to learn.
      Still has to be present only as places Linc, a picture, a button ..... Only at the end to show what websites.
      From previous comments I noticed that many have encountered the same problems that were not able to follow, step by step, creating pages and hence the multitude of errors reported, except those related to IE.
      However wait a continuation of this tutorial 2b in which to introduce themselves and other issues raised in the comments.
      When a well know the basics, you can experiment and see how it's different.
      Thanks again for your efforts to achieve tutorials.

      Related Articles section below citito tutorial you? There have titles in red tutorials that if you click, you'll go directly to those tutorials. Read text from web pages and learn to navigate more efficiently. You can not encompass everything under the reader's eyes under a single button. May you and the user, to know and to explore a very important READ site that's why we ochisori, right?

      • Laurentiu said

        AdrianGudus: Related Articles section below citito tutorial you? There have titles in red tutorials that if you click, you'll go directly to those tutorials. Read text from web pages and learn to navigate more efficiently. You can not encompass everything under the reader's eyes under a single button. May you and the user, to know and to explore a very important READ site that's why we ochisori, right?

        Can not you read carefully what I wrote.
        Dan has made one of the best tutorials, top I could say, due to its complexity (it's one thing to give clicks and fill forms and another to write a command line and explain how and why must so).
        Why have not the slightest idea but want to learn (the largest share of those who visit this site), Dan added when all lines in the file style.css, has ruined many of those who they have tried to make a site after this tutorial.
        You can learn a lot of comments, those who know they can approach improving their manner of subjects.
        I do not want to argue with you on margiea subject, because it is not the forum but your comment was besides what we have written.
        Return with the desire to continue this tutorial because it is a fundamental basis for working with the other applications.
        Thanks again For its collective hard work.

        • AdrianGudus said

          Laurentiu: Can not you read carefully what I wrote.
          Dan has made one of the best tutorials, top I could say, due to its complexity (it's one thing to give clicks and fill forms and another to write a command line and explain how and why must so).
          Why have not the slightest idea but want to learn (the largest share of those who visit this site), Dan added when all lines in the file style.css, has ruined many of those who they have tried to make a site after this tutorial.
          You can learn a lot of comments, those who know they can approach improving their manner of subjects.
          I do not want to argue with you on margiea subject, because it is not the forum but your comment was besides what we have written with the desire to continue eu.Revin of this tutorial because it is a fundamental basis for working with the other applications.
          Thanks again For its collective hard work.

          No one wants to argue, this was not the purpose but I just wanted to get you informed that we have a lot of tutorials on creating a website as well detailed / explained. I think most tutorials were made about it. It was the topic addressed on this website. You just have to search for them, to have patience and want to learn.

  205. Laurentiu said

    hello guys appeared firefox 4 you can do a tutorial about it please nice it would be nice to know how to use it some of us and the others about what's new (I have firefox I'm pretty initiated to know about it how many settings but me I need the advice of some experts to know how to set it better and use it) (I apologize for posting here and if I upset someone… it was not intentional)

  206. I want to ask the same thing because it's the first time I do something like that and I don't know, so after I finished customizing the site, how do I go to www. .com where I have to write …… .I really like this site you are very smart bv: D

  207. Hello friends. I did not understand a thing, where do I get a copy Cristi thing for the standard that is recognized for self

  208. How realizeasa favicon?

  209. Hello, first of all I want to congratulate you for the tutorials you have done. I have a big request to you: I kept looking on this site, the instructions that you inserted in the html file that you used in demo site "", but I did not find them. Where can I get them? Please help me somehow? I really want to learn how to create a site. Thank you .

  210. Please download the "test file", but I can't find the instructions that Dan inserted in the html file, the standard ones recognized by browsers, etc. Wait for response

  211. Excuse me but I paid download, dowload file I test, but there are many things you have inserted them in el.De eg top division, it is going to put the logo.

  212. Daniel said

    In it first of all, congratulations for the site.
    Secondly @Bogdan to know that what you said is partially true. You can make inputs in html but only that.
    Html is nothing more than a mark-up language that is building the pages.
    For data processing you need a server side. I think we all know about w3school sites. But I'm interested in quality tutorials in Romanian, just like these guys do. Good and explained tutorials "babeste" for beginners like me.

  213. Mr. Dan, hats off!

  214. ionut25 said

    I can't upload the site to the server via filezilla. All settings are correct, but it only connects to the server for a few seconds and I don't have time to load the information. He keeps telling me: Connection established, I'm waiting for the welcome message
    Error: Unable to connect to server
    Status: Waiting to retry…
    Status: Resolving the IP address for “www….
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Error: Unable to connect to server

    • ionut25:
      Fail to climb site server via FileZilla. All the settings are correct, but does not connect to server only a few seconds and do not have time to upload information. I keep saying: Connection established, waiting for greeting ...
      Error: Can not connect to server
      Status: Waiting to retry ...
      Condition: Solve the IP address for "www ....
      Status: Connecting to 21 ...
      Status: Connection established, waiting for greeting ...
      Error: Can not connect to server

      Try to make a port forward

    • Try deleting history first. You can see that in the top right, where it says quikconnect, click on it, and you will see, among other things, "clean history"; Try it, because that's how I suffered the first time. I hope it helps.

  215. Erno Toth said

    Hi. I started to make a site but I got stuck on something I can't solve. My problem is that I don't know how I can do in css tabs to increase the height of the "left" div together with the "div" right ”when something else is added in the“ right ”div (which increases automatically depending on what is in it being that I wrote in css“ auto ”at height).
    Vaa please im very much like to give an answer for that is very inportant for me.
    Regards Erno

  216. I have a problem I do not see the image in the header or when I inserted an image in imagini.html and installed java..cand script that I click on my picture appears so
    File not found

    Firefox can not find the file at / C: / Documents and Settings / Andrey / Desktop / site / screenshots / 1.jpg.

    * Check that the file name is not case-sensitive or other typing errors.
    * Verify that the file has not been moved, renamed, or deleted.

    The photos you have saved in the same folder views thank situ.Astept

    • If it's ok way to images, and the images are there, see it's possible that your images will not be jpg. Take care not to be png, or you can try to write and uppercase (but not jpg JPG).
      I hope you succeed. Good luck!

  217. And to me, says the same:
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Error: Unable to connect to server
    Status: Waiting to retry…
    Status: Resolving IP address for…….
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    How can it solve?

  218. Hi, in case there is someone who has managed to find what dintrun dan copy file from the demo will help posting the code here

  219. Octavian said

    Status: Resolving address of …………….
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Response: 220———- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ———-
    Response: 220-You have user number 1 of 50 allowed.
    Response: 220-Local time is now 08:54. Server port: 21.
    Response: 220-This is a private system – No anonymous login
    Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    Command: USER
    Response: 331 User …………………… OK. Password required
    Command: PASS **************
    Answer: 530 Login authentication failed
    Error: Critical error
    Error: Could not connect to server

    What should I do? If anything heavier give a tutorial thanks! Else I gave at the 150m about not so good I found elsewhere :) thanks! Congratulations tutorial From this I learned to do

  220. Hello I'd like to know one thing how do I put a picture as a background and not put thanks in advance over

    • Erno Toth said

      Hello I'd like to know one thing how do I put a picture as a background and no advance over punamultumesc

      What not to put over? Explain to me exactly what you want to do and help you with pleasure.

  221. Hello guys! Doing a great job! How can I make a contact form on my website where I and send messages / emails a certain address? Raman grateful

  222. I solved the thing
    I have 2 questions
    1.Cum cordonatele know where to put a certain image in css bar that is eg sailed as cordonatele find means to put up as logo
    2.Si How do I take a page after a certain monitor size is not fixed so 800 / 600 I can understand that something
    Thank you!

    • Erno Toth said

      Edy: How do I take a page after a certain monitor sizes

      1 response.
      when I do a site Primada divs draw and write on a sheet in each of their measurements, the distance between them, if he's border thickness and so the parte.In depending on what you have on your web page and their position can be calculated imagine.Nu know the exact position of a structure for your site but can position your lucrulire on the website and face one another.
      Answer 2.
      There are a lot of versions but now began trying to size in% and not in pixel

  223. Please explain to me how that is working in percentages

    • Erno Toth said

      Please explain to me how that is working in percentages

      Work on the WordPress platform ????

    • razvan rzv said

      Please explain to me how that is working in percentages

      instead write pixel write a procend. the percentage will be x% of the size div's parent.
      in css chicken so: #container {width: 100%;}
      I assume that you have the following structure:

      header, menu, content, footer ERC

      so your site will always be wide as the browser window.

      You said something bacground image centered:

      background-image: url ( 'smiley.gif');
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-attachment: fixed;
      background-position: center;

      … And to put position after x and y coordinates:

      background-position: xy;
      - where x, y are coordinates expressed in px or percentages, all the time the reference point is the upper left corner after which you guide the positioning with the 0 0 coordinates, regardless of the units.

  224. How do order form on the site?
    You have tutorials on how to make the scriptures have programs?
    Thank you!

  225. In high school, I went to Profile: informatica.Tin to say that even our teacher detaliat.Chiar not explain so they do not understand certain things (we did just progamare in Pascal, C + + and database), in looking for net, but I want to congratulate you for the job you are doing! Keep up the good work!

  226. Hello! I have a problem and I would ask if you can help me. I created a website but do not know the next lucru.Vreau to make it so-eg
    Product (click)

    flowers (when I click on the flowers appear): vegetables:
    red petunias
    eggplant carnations
    And when I click on a type of flower to defend my pictures with them.
    I tried to make one file for each flower html, but you have to make about 56. I do not know what command links the images (screeshot) and each division. Thanks anticipatSper I was quite explicit.

    I got a question:
    I tried to make a page identical to the tutorial, however, M = got stuck at the link between CSS and the other TREI.VREAU to say I TAKEN FROM INTERNET same values ​​when I want to put a background color CSS I do not APPEARS THAT IS, STAY HOME ALL WHITE. IN OTHER WORDS DO NOT BELIEVE THAT CONNECTION IS MADE OF CSS and others and I want to know why.
    IF anyone can help ...

    • Erneszto said

      I got a question:
      I tried to make a page identical to the tutorial, however, M = got stuck at the link between CSS and the other TREI.VREAU to say I TAKEN FROM INTERNET same values ​​when I want to put a background color CSS I do not APPEARS THAT IS, STAY HOME ALL WHITE. IN OTHER WORDS DO NOT BELIEVE THAT CONNECTION IS MADE OF CSS and others and I want to know why.
      IF anyone can help ...

      If the name of the csss file is “style.css” and it is in the same folder as the other 3 files then the connection is made between the tags as follows:

      CSS Background Color in Fiser (eg if you want black) you like:

      body {
      background-color: black;

  228. Balan Paul Eusebius said

    Hello Video Tutorial!
    Does anyone know how make a registration page for the site here nostru.Deci not make an account with domain wordpress.Efectiv I got my website done and want to know how make a registration page and one in which users are can login.
    Please no lewd comments if you know someone wants to help me better if this is not

    • razvan rzv said

      Balan Paul Eusebius:
      Hello Video Tutorial!
      Does anyone know how make a registration page for the site here nostru.Deci not make an account with domain wordpress.Efectiv I got my website done and want to know how make a registration page and one in which users are can login.
      Please no lewd comments if you know someone wants to help me better if this is not

      you will need to make a database in which to store user information, ie username and password, and then you make a login form where you log the users.

  229. Balan Paul Eusebius said

    I'm interested to make their users to enter account after account created if you know a tutorial please post it

  230. professional ... thanks

  231. Andrew said

    foate thanks much for the tutorials made by you, help a lot.
    about moodle not make any tutorial?
    would be very useful. wait for response from you. thanks

  232. You helped a lot! But you can make a tutorial where to put games on the site (I have only tried one but I managed to put a lick on a picture that takes you to the site you play at that game! Thanks in advance

  233. Using adobe dreamweaver is much easier…

  234. Hello! Attraction and display favicon works on Mozilla's? I use chrome and I do not show favicon.
    I entered the exact same commands, I must say that I called all the files, folders, just like in the video, but I stored elsewhere (ie not on the desktop). Files. Html,. Css is in the folder X's and favicon image is in a subfolder of the folder X, so would need to be inserted as shown in the video but does not work.

    Thank you!!

  235. If you want to learn web, it's super simple. Learn English medium after youtube, youtube is full of longing for education dedicated channels: betterphp, flashbuilding, killerphp, phpacademy, thenewbostom many huge ditch.

  236. Hello. in index.html you have defined a "navigation" division that is practically not found in style.css, so you can't "play" with the navigation links.

  237. John Julian said

    hello, very good tutorial, but I have a problem and please help me, how to add search box in your site.

  238. Iulian "that search box" must have a scripting language and a database behind it.
    Can not be achieved by simple html. Html is just a mark-up language that defines the structure of a page.
    So you 2 options:
    1-learn php and I realize only a search engine for the site using full text search or one based on some tags that you define each item;
    2-use Google Custom Search, which I believe is best for you, given your level of knowledge;

  239. See on the top right, where it says Quickconect, click on it and then click on "Clear history". And try connecting to the server again. Sometimes it happens because of that. 🙂

    Error: Can not connect to server
    Status: Waiting to retry ...
    Condition: Solve the IP address for "www ....
    Status: Connecting to 21 ...
    Status: Connection established, waiting for greeting ...
    Error: Can not connect to server

  240. John Julian said

    Hi, I have another problem, when viewing a picture of the pictures added internet explorer web buttons do not appear if you open with firefox is fine, can someone help me, thanks in advance.

  241. bike games 3d said

    Very good article… I'm waiting for something more complex. If it is already on the site, I am waiting for the link where I can see it. Thank you

  242. valentin said


    AdrianGudus: Related Articles section below citito tutorial you? There have titles in red tutorials that if you click, you'll go directly to those tutorials. Read text from web pages and learn to navigate more efficiently. You can not encompass everything under the reader's eyes under a single button. May you and the user, to know and to explore a very important READ site that's why we ochisori, right?

  243. valentin said

    It gives me great pleasure to Adrian correct, because it very acidic post comments to the visitors of this wonderful site. That does not mean I do not appreciate that which makes them want to continue and so on.
    Cristi Bravo!
    Adrian Bravo!

  244. When you have traffic, do not care what users, doarMonny AdSense. It happens on most of the sites that have caught on visitors muscles that make them very mare.banii traffic did not smell, and sometimes some steps on those bodies! Sory of topic

  245. sal ptr information .. thanks a lot .. I have some questions: if I made the site a nephew that I abandoned my project (I was cabbage in the field-just you I also understand you did something), how can enter also add headings and pictures. site is hosted (password and id's). what program / s should I use. believe that there is much to say but I tried to inform me. thank ptr almost all items added. health Max and I new information

  246. Hello.
    Firstly thank you for the tutorial. It is very helpful.
    Secondly I have a question myself:
    If the video section I want to post more than two videos, they are shown coming out of the right div. How are to be displayed only in this division and of course occur in the scroll bar?

  247. Alexandra said

    Thanks for tutorials, are of great help!
    Finally I made a site. Contains several sections, including BLOG. The problem is that I always want to add articles and I understand that for this I need to learn Joomla! So… where can I find something to help me move things forward?

    Thanks and look forward to the answer!

  248. Nicolae said

    Hi, Thanks for the tutorial very useful, but when you do and tutorial about Turbo Pascal??

  249. Superutil this tutorial
    While a flash xml tutorial?
    We are waiting…

  250. I appears Wed: Critical Error / Could not connect to server FileZilla when I want to sign and goes to upload anything. Why?

  251. How to put video on toutube with no video on the computer that I have I will kindly tell me.

  252. Alorian: How to put video on toutube with no video on the computer that I have I will kindly tell me.

    Since the html 5 is much easier. Convert video to WebM, Ogg, mp4 and flash (swf).
    3 first video file types you use with a video html5 super easy, ie using video tag html5 (for a super minimalist version).
    The last format is the security option if a user uses an old browser that is unable to "understand" html5 you use a flash player.
    This version html5
    and here the flash version ''
    There are only links above to get an idea of ​​how add video player on a website, there are many other better options than using the same methods.
    I hope that the administrators do not perceive the above links as spam or advertising.

  253. Still do not know if you can help me again ask you to please make a video with this problem or nustiu help please let me play.

  254. How to put html form tags I read that you had th site and do not understand you can help

  255. Adrian Gudus said

    Alorian: How to make the form as I read th-tipus HTML tags on the site and do not understand you can help

    Look here:

  256. how to put in website form made by me if you can help.

  257. wowwwwww!
    I have read on here!
    are silent contentment, in the most positive sense!
    cristi, the administrator, super! I love your romance! donation… and dan, responsible for the above tutorial! only admiration, all admiration!

    Do not think that V AM magician with a purpose,
    I need help, but if he does not, no problem, and I hope my admiration has to do FUTURE IT revolution!!

    ok, now - I have a blog in the blogger (I'm on the outside with it, of course) and with a sigh I put it on my feet, but now I have some problems with the HEADER! I put a picture from the computer as header (I have chrome) but I can't frame it exactly, that is, on the left side of it I have a slightly larger empty space, and on the right a smaller space.

    How do I make it fit perfectly? Furthermore as the top have a band (space) empty rreusesc not to increase and so to cover up the picture (navbar I managed to get it out).

    Sincerely, thank you very much!

  258. Hello ,

    I have 2 questions:

    1. I have a site that was made by someone, but that never held him and would like to make it from 0! I do not know what programs did other details! I want to know if you can somehow delete, reset everything he did? And I start to make it as tutorials here!

    2. What company do you recommend for web hosting? A serious company that has no problems!

    Thank you

  259. Super information. Thank you!
    I got free from the wordpress site, I have a subdomain. A site for travel related topics, images, impressions. I understand the tutorials are viewed as a disadvantage. If it develops, I dial traffic, I could benefit from it, not the owner. I 3 MB free space allocated without video, music, but I can upload and post on youtube without any restrictions. I want to make the necessary changes when the space I have and go on the field, for the future benefit from my work. Not stiiu be steps, but I guess it keeps the wordpress platform. I guess the will turn or
    As I understand it, the transition from the old site to the new site is facilitated by this platform, redirecting visitors who knew you to the old address. As an idea for the beginning I would like to be the beneficiary of the site, to benefit from the wordpress platform (I suspect that it will be the hosting, the server - I hope I understood well and I'm not wrong) and to keep the design of the site received from wordpress. I would like to know what are the steps to take to make the change.

  260. Hello, can you help me with implementation of read more button? More Info Apply this code in a certain location? What do I do? I downloaded a template from the net and I have this button but when I give him load the page again. Thank you!

  261. Thank you very much!

  262. I would like to recommend, for those interested, the book "Learning Web Design, 4th edition-Jennifer Niederst Robbins". It is in English, but for those who master English, it is a "must-have", in my opinion. The book starts from practically zero, with exercises.

  263. Shawl. If you want to modify an index.html by modifying a link ex: "" that appears 100 times in this document, you can select the link and paste the new link so that all 100 are modified at the same time. similar links from index.html? Or do they have to be modified individually? Thank you in advance!!!

    • Edit the html document with notepad, in the notepad settings you have the option "replace" or "find and replace".
      This opriune help you change anything in the text, even multiple entries.

  264. Hello. I followed the steps in this tutorial, but I have a little problem in chrome, firefox works, but IE does not display my photo gallery

  265. I have a question dak I write on the explorer my site that I created for example ……… .. why can't you find it ??? when I go to the top left page it writes me all “http: // localhost /” this how do i change it

  266. Dear Mr. Cristian Cismaru are new to the site #footer deviates in the dreata in pictures .Index is ok but video is moving in the right direction no longer on
    a beginner nicu.
    thank you.

  267. Can you help me please? how to insert a picture as the background of a web page?

  268. how to make a web page with login access only to administrator

  269. Howdy! What happened to the given page, I can't see the video part, it gives an error… Can you solve your problem?

  270. Server not found: rtmpte: // 80 / fastplay / mp4: /

    Video error occurs (I installed adobe flash player, uncheck hardware acceleration) yes it doesn't work… did you delete the given video?

  271. Monica Zanet said

    THANK YOU!!!
    I found here (on this site) solutions to various problems encountered and guidance on programs and more. But most importantly, related professionals.
    Now they are creating a site from scratch
    THANK YOU! POWER work you want! Because you will not get rid of me ;-))

  272. Good evening, this tutorial is great! Congratulations Dan.

  273. Niculita Tinca said

    Hello Cristi

    Don't judge me too harshly .. :) I am at my first experience in this field but I like to discover new things .. still I am 60 years old:)… .I also made a simple site with your help. So far so good. I purchased the domain, I purchased hosting on (if you consider it, delete it). I stayed the nameservers received from the hosting. After the adventures with winSPC I managed to transfer the files of my site to the file "public_html, as if there must :). So far so good. The problem that I made a mistake that I do not know what effects it has… I accidentally deleted a series of files that were in the root of the server. (If they can be recovered give me a solution) When I access the address from the browser the page does not appear mine but something like HELLO WORD… and some statements. I greet you with respect. You are doing a wonderful thing!


  1. […] Directly, not through intermediaries. Thanks to colleague Dan for the tip. His tutorials: Gimp, HTML, OpenOffice. Web service […]

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