Zyxel NSA 320 presentation, network storage unit and more - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial I will introduce you to a NAS, it is about Zyxel NSA 320, a device for storing files on the network that knows how to do many other things besides simple storage. I'm not wrong at all if I tell you that the Zyxel NSA 320 is a super computer, I'm not referring here to the processing power but to the multitude of functions it has. Dar… [Read more...]

Installing the Nginx web server with PHP on Windows - video tutorial

Hi friends, today we are going to talk about installing Nginx web server with PHP on Windows, it is a setup more and more used on the web nowadays and it would not be bad to have Nginx with PHP on localhost. What is Nginx? a web server and reverse proxy HTTP, POP, IMAP etc, as a web server it is much more efficient than the famous Apache. What is a web server… [Read more...]

1 GB free space and domain for iLink, ftp setting, email client, wordpress - video tutorial

Hello friends, in this video tutorial I will show you how to manage the free hosting package obtained from ilink, this is a second tutorial, I made it due to your requests, many of you have created free accounts at ilive.ro , but for one reason or another you failed to get to work. For those who did not follow the first tutorial with… [Read more...]

How to become a blogger on the Blogger platform, part 1 blog creation - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will talk about how to make a blog on Google's Blogger platform. This tutorial opens the series of tutorials dedicated to the blogging platform called Blogger. For those who don't know, Blogger is a free platform that allows us to create a blog on a free subdomain offered by Google, for example "name" .blogger.com or on [Read more...]

How to make a website, part 1, domain and hosting - video tutorial

Hello friends, today we will start a series of tutorials that finally aim to create a real site, not just a second page of proof but a real site with everything it needs, these tutorials will be very detailed compared to those presented so far, so please pay close attention to what is said in the tutorial. Who really wants to make a site on a… [Read more...]

How can remote control the uTorrent WebUI-through tutorial video

In this video tutorial we will talk about the peer to peer or p2p protocol, more precisely about utorrent which is an important representative of bittorrent technology. We will not talk about the utorrent application itself but about the method by which we can control it remotely (remote control) through the internet and a browser. The idea of ​​ordering something remotely… [Read more...]

Install and set xampp containing apache php mysql server and ftp server - video tutorial

In the following video tutorial you will be able to learn how to download, how to install and how to set xampp (a suite that contains the apache server, mysql, php and the filtpilla ftp server but not only that, it also includes other applications and extensions. made a video tutorial on installing wamp, which is very similar to xampp except for the ftp server that wamp does not [Read more...]

Creating a database with phpMyAdmin (video tutorial)

This video tutorial on databases and phpmyadmin is part of a series of video tutorials on server applications, http servers, php, mysql, phpmyadmin and creating a website or blog. We will refer in this video tutorial to the simple creation of a database (in Romanian) or database (in English) with the help of which we will install in the following video… [Read more...]

How to install a web server or http (WAMP server)?

We will watch a video tutorial in which you learn how to install a web server or http. This is not difficult at all, requiring only a little attention and focus on the film that presents the operation in detail. The software we refer to in the tutorial is actually a mini suite of programs: msql, php, phpmyadmin, sqlite manager, programs put in place by some developers… [Read more...]