How to make Bitcoin Miner and application cgminer with BitForce

Hello friends, in today's tutorial I will show you how I use the BitForce miner from Butterfly Labs to generate bitcoin digital currency, the complete setting from the wallet to the mining software and the pool settings. Last time I presented you the device ordered from Butterfly Labs, today I will show you how to make bitcoin with this device based on two chips… [Read more...]

Bitcoin machine made / money from Butterfly Labs

Hello friends, as I promised you, yesterday, after 5 months of waiting, I received the Bitcoin Miner 5 GH / s money making device. It is a divice from Butterfly Labs that can miners with 5-10 GH / s with small modifications, at today's difficulty it means about 2-5 euros per day, depending on how you choose to mine. If you are new to Bitcoin, you can watch the following tutorials… [Read more...]