Presentation of Google Plus, the hottest social network - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will talk about Google+. For those who don't know, Google+ or Google Plus is Google's new social network. It is not yet public but it will be soon. In order to create a Google+ account we need someone to invite us, someone who of course already has a Google+ account. Google+ will be the new control panel… [Read more...]

What is and how to make an HI5 account - HD video tutorial

What is hi5? Well hi5 is a social network where having an account, you can upload your photos, accept friends, comment on your photos and those of your friends. You can write your thoughts in the "diary" category, you can even dedicate songs to your hi5 friends, all in a virtual environment, making an account in just a few minutes (maximum 2 minutes) to set it up… [Read more...]