Upgrade Comp

Lcd monitor or HD TV purchase guide - video tutorial

Hi friends, the topic of today's tutorial is the lcd monitor, what should we pay attention to when buying an LCD,…

What are the best SD memory cards and how do we recognize them - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will explain how things are in the world of memory cards, more precisely we will discuss…

Cheap and high-performance system configuration with state-of-the-art components - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will configure a fairly cheap system with the latest generation components, I'm sure…

Bios update for gigabyte motherboards - HD video tutorial

In this video tutorial we will present a bios update operation for a Gigabite motherboard, but…

On what criteria, and how buying components for a computer tutorial video

Nowadays a computer is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessity for almost everyone. Se…

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