How to use the Ping command to troubleshoot network

Today we will talk about PING, in small utility interface (CLI does not go with the mouse) available on most operating systems. It helps us to detect the source of problems from a network or the Internet.
As a principle PING command is easy to understand human language equivalent would be: Are you there?. The answer can be yes or no.
Taking turns all the main points of the network we realize we do matters.
First we start with our network card (loop-back):
If the answer means that we have a functional network card and we can move on.
Step two is to check if we can resolve the hostname to IP.
ping "numele pc-lui"
If the first response and we AFIC IP address means we have good settings for DNS. If we receive no response means that the DNS settings are wrong.
Step three is to check your router or gateway provided by the provider.
ping "adresa router sau default gateway"
If everything is okay up here, we will try to do ping google, yahoo or whatever.
If we receive the response and the domain name was resolved (to ping an IP) means that netul go and the problem comes from firewall or antivirus which blocks browser.
If you are interested in the subject, we will continue with that traceroute will show us where our travel packages. Traceroute and also can show us where the problems occur on the road, so we know who to hold accountable when X or Y site does not load well.
The difference between the ping on Linux and the one on windows is that on Linux the ping goes on indefinitely and windows stops after four lines. If you want more than four lines on windows you can use "-t", for example "ping -t" and it will be pinged endlessly. on linux you can interrupt the string with Ctrl + C.

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (59)

  • What was Cristi order to see how many IPs passes through our connection to the provider? I know that I knew I was a command. If you could help me! You could see how many connections pass through to them.

  • Andrew: What was Cristi order to see how many IPs passes through our connection to the provider? I know that I knew I was a command. If you could help me! You could see how many connections pass through to them.

    This is exactly what was talked about in the tutorial, this was also shown and you would find out if you followed the tutorial head-to-tail ...

  • thank you Cristi and I want you to continue as you know :)
    I was not bored
    who opens our minds than nine wonderful people like you
    thanks again

  • I would like more tutorials on troubleshooting or if possible and you have the good will to make a category dedicated to troubleshooting (more on hardware such as networking, symptoms / defects of motherboards, etc.) and another suggestion if you wish you could do this category with the payment.....
    I'm just saying
    Thanks for all you do! ! !

  • Ping told me somebody from Romtelecom but it was very brief and did not really inteles.Dar you could make a tutorial on perl command?

  • Interesting. I did all the steps and I was amazed by the average speed I have (google - 14ms and - 4 ms). In the end I saw that you are on mobile and I on landline.

  • Cristi, in tutorial you said that someone can use my internet package clonand MAC, you can find out who is that person? or can be removed from the network?

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