How to upload a file for download on several file sharing sites at once - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial you'll learn together how we can take a file or multiple files across multiple sites at once fille sharing. Probably most of you have a website or a blog and working on one project. Let's say you make mouse cursors, themes for windows, themes for websites, compose music, and so on. Once finished project, let's say you want to offer for download. One option would be to buy us an account on one of the major file sharing sites like MegaUpload and RapidShare, but as always there is a free method that we propose pretty much everything we can appeal to the 2 services that we have presented in today's tutorial. What exactly do these 2 services?
Simply take our file and it automatically go up on the big file sharing sites giving us at the end, after the file has been uploaded, a link you can post on our website or we can email you one or you can give your friends on messenger. Here, accessing it will be able to choose where to download the file. One of the 2 presented in tutorial services, namely first service presented gives some very useful options such as:
- we can add a description to the uploaded file
- the possibility to choose which of the sites provided by them, to upload our file
- we can fill in our email address and the one we want to send the download link to, after the file has finished uploading this service to automatically send an email with the download link to the friend, neighbor, relative we want to offer him the file.
The 2 century of service is good as it gives us only one option, which is to delete the file after it has been loaded / uploaded and give a brief description. But the service of 2 century gives us some useful information in my opinion, such as:
- informs us how many times the download link to the respective file has been accessed
- specifies the time when the download link was last accessed
Both services tell us the file name, type, and size.
So if you are looking for storage space to offer to download some files, these solutions are good 2 heeded especially not cost us anything! In the end I can only invite you to follow along this video tutorial and see how you proceed.
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Enjoy !

Adrian Burlugeanu....

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

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