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Logitech Wireless Prodigy G403 review, headshots wireless

G403 Prodigy Wireless is a gaming mouse that really works just as well on wireless as it does on…

We make a RETRO game CONSOLE on Raspberry PI -

Let's make a console with retro games on the Raspberry PI! The project is quite easy and handy…

Counter Strike 1.6 on Android, the original game on PC to your phone

Porting Counter Strike 1.6 on Android Let's play Counter Strike 1.6 on Android, as we only have a lot of…

Pokemon GO on the couch, fictitious locations with joystick

Pokemon GO on the couch, fictional locations with joystick In today's tutorial I will show you how to use…

Target settings in Counter Strike GO - cl_crosshair

cl_crosshair is perhaps one of the most important settings in Counter Strike GO that can have a significant impact on…

Counter Strike GO, the best settings for FPS

In the journey to become a valuable player in Counter Strike GO there are many things that need to be improved and

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