How to change the network card MAC in Ubuntu Linux - video tutorial

Hi friends, today we will talk about network card MAC, exactly how change NIC MAC on Ubuntu Linux.
What is a MAC?
Comes from the English abbreviation MAC Media Access Control, is a unique identifier of the network card assigned to them by the manufacturer to identify and use their access to media (internet)
Some providers, especially district firms use another authentication users (subscribers net) to their servers via network card MAC.
So suppose you are such a provider and you broke NIC, well no problem, the price of a new network card is not very big but the bad news is that you have to inform the new provider network card mac that you achizitionato to register and to have internet. And if you break the plate Friday when their public relations following the short program Saturday and Sunday do not work we do, we stand a whole wekend without internet?
If Windows change the network card's MAC is child's play, here is a little more exciting in Linux (at least so it seems to me) is not very hard but we have to do some extra steps at all heavy, VERY EASY !
All you have to do is to write a small script that will copy it to / etc / init.d and following orders is to make it active and put it in startup.
Here are the steps:
Need to install first of all macchanger-gtk for this follow these steps:
Click in the top panel on “System” >> “Administration” >> Synaptic and here to the right of the top window in the search box we write “macchanger-gtk” we double click on the result to select it then on “Apply” ( Apply)
After installing macchanger-gtk we right click on the Desktop and create a new text file that we call "macchanger" (without the quotes)
In his Easter umatorul code:

# A simple eth1 macchanger script
# Author V3n3RiX :
macchanger --mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 eth0

Where "00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00" is the MAC you want to assign to the network card
And "eth0" is your active network card.
To make sure that your active card is "eth0" we open the terminal by clicking on Applications >> Accessories >> Accesories >> Terminal
Writing in the terminal command: ifconfig and give Enter, the terminal will display something like:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:12:e0:54
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe12:e054/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:3100 errors:30 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1359 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:3536268 (3.5 MB)  TX bytes:126798 (126.7 KB)
Interrupt:10 Base address:0xd020

eth0 name plate is so active and current MAC is 08: 00: 27: 12: e0: 54 (note that it is better to be sure later after doing all the operations that changed MAC)

Save the text file in which I pasted the code above, by clicking on "File" and "Save"
Now you will need administrator rights to copy the script created in the steps above directory /etc/init.d

To do this, hold down the "Alt" + "F2" keys.
In the window that opens, type the command "sudo nautilus", enter Enter and navigate from the window that appears in: "File System" >> "etc" >> "init.d" and here in the "init" folder. d ”pastes the previously created file called“ macchanger ”

Now we want to make this script executable by opening terminal and giving the following command:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/macchanger (Chmod means changemod file that is changing the way in, and make the file executable + x)

and to schedule this script to run at startup to change PC MAC give this command in terminal:

sudo update-rc.d macchanger defaults

Dam restart the computer and it should be all about!

But let's better to watch this video tutorial.

Remember, if you have suggestions, complaints or additions do not hesitate to write in the comments box, de-also if you met the comments box a user has a problem and you can help him, do not hesitate to do it, the only way we can do this place better, see the comments box!

Enjoy !

CAREFUL: Do not change network card MAC sake of demonstration, unless necessary otherwise you may run out of internet connection!

Adrian Burlugeanu....

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (35)

  • A simple right click on the network connection icon will give you access to the "Edit Connections" option. Thus, it will be possible to modify the MAC by using a friendly graphical interface, without the need for voodoo with scripts and commands in the console that scares inexperienced users.

    • Mihai: A simple right-click the network connection icon will give you access to the "Edit Connections". This will be changed by using a MAC friendly graphical interface, without the need of voodoo scripts and console commands that frightens inexperienced users.  (Cite me)

      Before making a tutorial, we look for the most efficient and easy method. I tried not only once to change the mac of the board in the graphical interface and it did not work, at least not on version 9.10 And that's why I chose this method. It's not a happiness for me to "put people" in the terminal ... but another way didn't work. On the contrary, I am a bit "against" using the terminal and I try to show everything from the GUI, but once the terminal is the only solution, if we think about it, the terminal is the power toy in any distro.

    • Mihai: A simple right-click the network connection icon will give you access to the "Edit Connections". This will be changed by using a MAC friendly graphical interface, without the need of voodoo scripts and console commands that frightens inexperienced users.  

      adrian is right tutorial author has no effect change graphics mode. I tried it. Speaking of websites and tutorials: bravo guys do a great job. Adrian can post a comments about video drivers. I've watched the tutorial DESTE them but I figured it out I have ATI radeon in ubuntu 9250 8.10 9.04 are integrated and Compiz works fine, but 9.10 can not do anything to them even though you do not go get installed on site.

  • Happy Holidays to you, and to rejoice with great tutorials and in just knocking on the door.
    Given that you can afford (I am referring to software, etc) please can try some tutorials about flash.
    Good luck.

  • Greetings and Happy Holidays!
    I want to ask if you do and a tutorial on the following:
    How to change the MAC of the network card in Windows XP ..... for what they want to know more and be informed correctly.

    Adrian Darkness.

    • adrian: Greetings and Happy Holidays!
      I want to ask if you do and a tutorial on the following:
      How to change network card MAC in Windows XP ..... ice for what they want to know more and be informed properly. Sincerely, Adrian Darkness.  

      Windows MAC change as follows:
      Looking for network card, motherboard find in control panel:
      On xp in: Control Panel / Network Connections, on vista and 7 you can find it in: Control Panel / Netowork and Sharing Center on the left "Change Adapter Settings", below are the same steps on windows xp, vista and 7.
      Right click on the network card / properties / configure / Advanced / here you look for "Network Address" which will have the "Not Present" option checked, you check a little above and pass that field to the MAC without lines or dots, pass MAC "0000000000" then press OK and put Disable and Enable on the card so he can get a new MAC.
      Good luck and try not to use someone else's MAC is not nice.

        • Ioneltaiefrunze:
          Hello cristi.Esti interested in working with these guys?

          PS: it does not have to answer me.
          PPS: I edit a comment, you can delete (I say)  

          We are open to any kind of collaboration that could help the "user" of the PC.
          For a while we decided to also promote Windows and Linux, I think linux deserve more attention, in carrying out tutorials for linux ubuntu I lost many guests, but we do not care, we want to do that thing anyway, visitors will have to gain in the long term and that is more important.
          Ubuntu Linux distribution is the most well maintained and we chose it for our series dedicated to Linux.

          • Cristi-admin:

            We are open to any kind of cooperation that could help "user" PC.
            For a while we decided to also promote Windows and Linux, I think linux deserve more attention, in carrying out tutorials for linux ubuntu I lost many guests, but we do not care, we want to do that thing anyway, visitors will have to gain in the long term and that is more important.
            Ubuntu Linux distribution is the most well maintained and we chose it for our series dedicated to Linux.

            I don't want to go into detail now, but in my opinion, a section dedicated to free software would be good for this site. That is, to work in tandem with Windows and Linux. I noticed the intention of those there and I thought it would be good if it did. ..collaborate.Please, this thing depends on many factors, and as you noticed in that post, you want something like youtube. That is, the ability to respond to a tutorial in addition to comments and another tutorial.
            I'm a simple "user", I don't represent those there, and this work with "video tutorials about Ubuntu" is the idea of ​​only one user there.
            Hopefully to notice more and take courage.
            PS: Is there a problem if I "acquaint" them with your answer above? I mean if I post your answer here (copy / paste).

  • Hello friends. A question to you please if possible. I have OS Windows Service Pack 2 downloaded from the filelist. There in the description it said it was the original windows, no updates without anything else. Until recently, for 2 days, a thing appeared in my lower right with "genuine microsoft software". How could I make it "disappear"? It's a bit annoying when you change the image on the desktop, after a while the desktop is taken and remains black. If possible, please help me. Thank you very much ! Happy Holidays.

    • JulianHi friends. A question I will ask nicely if you can. I have OS Windows Service Pack 2 downloaded from filelist. There the description saying it's original windows'ul without updates without any other stuff. Until recently 2 days appeared to me something in the bottom right with "genuine Microsoft software." How can I do to "disappear"? It's a little disturbing when you change your desktop image after a while and take your desktop remains black. If you can, please help me nice. Thanks a lot! Merry below.  (Cite me)

      Do not argue and do not encourage piracy, nor hack, whatever you want you more than hack, you popup appears that your Windows is not registered because like you said it on torrents, so it's a pirated copy of windows !

      I can not tell than write in google: how get rid of WGA, and you will find many solutions.

    • Julian: I have OS Windows Service Pack 2dreapta down "Genuine Microsoft Software"

      Next time you put your other Windows dezcivezi tion to appeals from windows updates. See that is also a tutorial on.

  • Since autumn 2008 hitherto carefully watched all the tutorials.
    All we have denoted 5 *. I really appreciate your work and the team's intention to bestow their knowledge to anyone who wants to learn something about computers, operating systems, programming, networking, etc..
    I welcome the initiative to promote other operating systems, and in particular LINUX. Thank you for what you have done so far, I wish you health and a lot of hard work.
    The whole team and all those who visit this site:
    Happy Birthday!

  • Greeting. Thanks a lot Adrian. It was a very useful tip. Happy holidays still, Happy Birthday and in conclusion I want to say that do a great job. Keep up the good work.

  • For those scared of Ubuntu Linux that is unfamiliar (the GNOME interface) for those accustomed to the presence or xp inform visitors that there Kubuntu Linux which is somewhat, although all ubuntu is through close and familiar KDE interface with task Windows and bar as well maintained and in Romanian as his brother Ubuntu.

    • Laurels: For those scared of Ubuntu Linux that is unfamiliar (the GNOME interface) for those accustomed to the presence or xp inform visitors that there Kubuntu Linux which is somewhat, although all ubuntu is through close and familiar KDE interface with Windows task bar and equally well maintained and in Romanian brother or Ubuntu.  

      I'll probably do a tutorial Kubuntu KDE interface is a little Bugg car, I do not like one, she may be beautiful but I think more important is that sitemului to be stable and functional than beautiful. I tried KDE and I've always had the trouble is crash-uiau software, not as stable as GNOME interface

      • Adrian: I'll probably do a tutorial Kubuntu KDE interface is a little Bugg car, I do not like one, she may be beautiful but I think more important is that sitemului to be stable and functional than beautiful. I tried KDE and I've always had the trouble is crash-uiau software, not as stable as GNOME interface

        Basically not discuss tastes .. but when I came into contact with Linux and the large 2, Gnome and KDE, Gnome disappointed me, the bar put up default was too much for the usual KDE windows .. and was less more familiar.Dupa a while I looked for less intensive applications, but I saw how both KDE and Gnome consume as many resources ..
        I don't take anyone's side, I've been using KDE exclusively for a few years, so I don't know what's changed in Gnome, I read something on the net and nobody says it would be something devastating ... but what can I say, I don't understand what applications KDE cracks, I use beta versions - that is Lucid Lynx and KDE4.4 RC3, and I can't complain about crashes. And as a clear thing, my system never crashed permanently, except when I was doing an unsupported upgrade, or we try to install packages that did not have the dependencies insured and force the installation.
        As a matter of fact, the tutorials I've seen so far seem superficial to me - that's why I offered to do a tutorial about Kubuntu a few times - but it seems that I spoke alone, like the TV ... and after me, if you are not a KDE user, and you don't like it, you find it unstable, buggy, etc..then you have no chance of a successful tutorial.

        • Neagh:
          Basically not discuss tastes .. but when I came into contact with Linux and the large 2, Gnome and KDE, Gnome disappointed me, the bar put up default was too much for the usual KDE windows .. and was less more familiar.Dupa a while I looked for less intensive applications, but I saw how both KDE and Gnome consume as many resources ..
          Do not keep the none, use KDE exclusively several years, so I do not know what's changed in Gnome, I read something on the net reads and nobody would say anything devastating .. what can I say but do not understand what applications you crack KDE, I use beta versions - that Lucid Lynx and KDE4.4 RC3, and I can not complain crash-uri.Si as one thing clear, I was never completely crashed system, only unbearable when doing an upgrade, or try to install packages that were not insured, forcing the installation dependencies ..
          Incidentally tutorials I've seen so far seem superficial - that is why I offered several times to do a tutorial on Kubuntu - but it seems like we talked alone, the TV ... and for me, if not You KDE user, and do not like, find it's unstable, buggy, etc. .. then there goes your chances of a successful tutorial.

          Don't get upset so easily, your comment was not lost, it went into spam, usually the spam modules have a small margin of error, you entered that small "false-positive" percentage, in any case we also check spam manually so there is no danger that this comment of yours will be lost.
          When we do not lose anything, everything is protected.

        • Neagh:

          That top bar is called a panel and can be erased and moved wherever your muscle wants, you can widen it, you can narrow it, you can enlarge or reduce it, you can turn it into a dock. Write Linux at the top right and enter, I did a lot for linux ... if those are superficial tutorials ... once again no comment and I repeat, you have to start from the beginning.

          Gshutdown, how to schedule a restart or shutdown on Ubuntu Linux - video tutorial
          How to install codecs on Ubuntu Linux for viewing movies - video tutorial
          How to Download the Direct Connect network (ODC, apex, strong) on ​​ubuntu linux - video tutorial
          The best and friendly Linux, Ubuntu overview - video tutorial
          How to partition correctly and how to install Ubuntu Linux in dual boot with Windows XP - tutorial video
          How to install ATI drivers, nVidia and Flash Player on Ubuntu Linux - video tutorial
          How to install Ubuntu Linux with Wubi without giving up Windows and how to set up PPPoE connection from RDS - video tutorial

          These tutorials are superficial?

          • Adrian: That top bar is called pannel and can be removed and relocated anywhere like your muschiu, you can You can narrow lati You can increase or decrease, you can turn in the dock. Write Linux top right and give entr, I did more for linux ... if those are superficial tutorials ... no coment again and again, should start with starts here.
            Gshutdown, how to schedule a restart or shutdown on Ubuntu Linux - video tutorial
            How to install codecs on Ubuntu Linux for viewing movies - video tutorial
            How to Download the Direct Connect network (ODC, apex, strong) on ​​ubuntu linux - video tutorial
            The best and friendly Linux, Ubuntu overview - video tutorial
            How to partition correctly and how to install Ubuntu Linux in dual boot with Windows XP - tutorial video
            How to install ATI drivers, nVidia and Flash Player on Ubuntu Linux - video tutorial
            How to install Ubuntu Linux with Wubi without giving up Windows and how to set up PPPoE connection from RDS - video tutorial
            These tutorials are superficial?

            I know how it is called the bar and what can be done with it .. What do you think, if you are using Linux daily 4 year-old girl 1 month as it sounds?
            And you should not attack, I just said in my view are SUPERFICIAL .. Deufoase or difficult, but for others it might be too st

          • Neagh: I know what it's called the bar and what can be done with it .. What do you think, if you are using Linux daily 4 year-old girl 1 month as it sounds?
            And you should not attack, I just said in my view are SUPERFICIAL .. so for others might be lengthy or difficult, but I have not found anything new in them, so I have every right to them I think so, as far as I'm concerned ..
            So, and to be in your tone, why don't you buy an nVidia video card that will run on Linux ... why don't you find out before you give the money and then complain that your capture doesn't work .. .: D

      • Adrian: I'll probably do a tutorial Kubuntu KDE interface is a little Bugg car, I do not like one, she may be beautiful but I think more important is that sitemului to be stable and functional than beautiful. I tried KDE and I've always had the trouble is crash-uiau software, not as stable as GNOME interface

        I wrote a post, pressed "send" and it was gone ... it doesn't appear anywhere ..
        Anyway, I'm surprised you want to do tutorial on Kubuntu .. willy and reproach perforce remind all directly responsible, that I offered to do a tutorial on Kubuntu and I got no answer ..
        Honestly, it seemed quite superficial tutorials about linux, this is the reason why I wanted to do a more detailed and explicit ..
        Although the tastes are not discussed, it was much easier for me to use KDE than Gnome, and many applications are much more elaborate and good looking than the "sisters" in gnome. I can quote here K3B compared to any other, Dolphin the same..and even if I use unstable versions (Lucid LYnx and KDE4.4 RC) I can't complain about crashes.
        Now as a matter of logic, if you're not using, and find all sorts of drawbacks program .. I do not think you will get a tutorial fails ..: D

        • Neagh:
          I wrote a post, click on "send" and he was gone ... nowhere occurs ..
          Anyway, I'm surprised you want to do tutorial on Kubuntu .. willy and reproach perforce remind all directly responsible, that I offered to do a tutorial on Kubuntu and I got no answer ..
          Honestly, it seemed quite superficial tutorials about linux, this is the reason why I wanted to do a more detailed and explicit ..
          Although not discuss tastes, to me it was much easier to use than Gnome KDE, and many more applications are developed and show to speak than the "sister" of gnome.Pot quote here K3B than any other, Dolphin the same .. and even if you use unstable versions (Lucid Lynx and KDE4.4 RC) I can not complain of crashes.
          Now as a matter of logic, if you're not using, and find all sorts of drawbacks program .. I do not think you will get a tutorial fails ..: D  

          Do you know who informed you that I would not be using Linux since yesterday I said in another comment made at the avast Cristi as 1 month or so standing on Linux and Windows get only for making tutorials (because it does not allow me ATI that I have, I do capture desktop)

          To each his own, I do not like KDE one site. I do not care for the software to be shown but to do what I need.

          Your method of changing the poppy didn't work for me when I did the tutorial and that's why I chose to present this method, there are several ... I chose to present this one because that worked for me.

          By the way can also be used while using Gnome K3B and even use it.

          As for the superficiality of the tutorials ... no comment ... you have to start with the beginning right? What would you like me to present in the first place how to program in C ++ without the world knowing how to install Linux or without knowing what Linux is?

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