Facebook, explanation of privacy settings and some recommendations - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will talk about privacy settings in your Facebook account. I saw a lot of people who do public address, who is a brother / sister who is the mother and father, cousin or aunt. It is not good that happens! These data do not belong on the internet on a public website that can be accessed by anyone. Think seriously about the consequences that will have to bear that you made such data public. Especially if you are a musical band or promoting a product, this information do not belong on your account because they can be used against you by malicious people. Facebook is a social virtual virtual friends do not need your location, your address or to know who is your sister, brother, uncle, aunt. Virtual friends on Facebook should be only interested in your activities, things you like, you like domains, sites that have been helpful, interesting articles you read, your favorite singer or band, favorite movies , favorite books, magazines, events and so on.
It is recommended that you check your privacy settings regularly since Facebook has the right to change these settings without making a public announcement about it. Usually when making new features / options in privacy settings, Facebook has a way to reset the privacy settings made by you.
That being said please watch this video tutorial to see exactly what the Facebook privacy settings, how to retrieve it, what do they refer and how we set cainterfata Facebook to be in Romanian, English or your preferred language from us.

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If for example you have a problem with Yahoo Messenger, you can enter in our search engine terms like Yahoo, Mess, Messenger, id mess, multimess problem messenger, messenger error, etc., you will see that you will have a choice.

If you use category drop-down, they find the bar under Home categories: Office, Graphic-Design, Hardware, Internet, Multimedia, Security, System, Storage, Backup, under these categories are organized sub-categories and sub-sub -categorii, that's a more accurate filtering. To find something related to Yahoo Messenger using the categories you can lead the category:InternetThere will open other subcategories where you choose Voice-ChatFrom there you can go on the subcategory YahooFinally, with these filters will arrive on a page where the only items related to Yahoo Messenger or Yahoo Mail.

On the page Archives You can find all our tutorials organized beautiful days saptameni, months and years.
Everything is logical, just follow the logic.
Enjoy !

Adrian Burlugeanu.... linux.videotutorial.ro

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (86)

  • I have a request that appears in my profile on the information "Add your job" how can I make this option disappear? ...thanks

    • Al3x:
      I have a request to the profile appears to information 'Add your workplace "how can I make it disappear Options? Thanks ...

      You can not do that. just what I said in the tutorial (if you looked head-to-tail without scrolling) Their interest is to complete your profile as completely as possible and so every day they will keep yelling at you to fill in your data, interests and so on. Further. if you want to join the choir ... you have to play how they sing, if not, all you have to do is not use their service.

  • Please yourself and make a tutorial on Google+. And if you do not tell me Google+ account and will give you the guests thanks.

  • My advice: do not have facebook account dazactivat as all data can stay anytime activa.In consequence: the log insert wrong password several times, in this case dissolved fb.Am account dropped all espionage and fb inconvenience. Waiting Google+.

    • BarBariaS:
      Google+ invitation and they say I'm too young but that's the limit?

      and mind you there, do not be stupid / loser, if you want to have Google+ even if you have minimum age, lying there, how and hi5

  • Thank you but we also have accounts on Google+, and we'll do it on the video.

    For BarBariaS probably 18 ...

  • Adrian, how do I stuff and it's like where to put the quarrel That gives people how to do the box like that I searched without success!

  • Thing with facebook is just a waste of time, we have not won anything new (at least I).
    It's the same with Google Plus (G +) which from my point of view is crap.

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