Fluffy App, a software, cloud service that manages print screens like no other - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this tutorial you will be introduced to a program that knows how to manage cloud super sites good print screen by pressing a single button to run 3 tasks:
1. It makes the print screen
2. Print the online automatically climb
3. Automatically copied to the clipboard link to print.
It may not seem spectacular to you, but if we think that everything is done by pressing a single key or a combination of keys…. The program is called Fluffy App and it is free, it uses the CloudApp infrastructure known especially in the iOS world.
No space limit, there are only uploads daily limit and size limit of files uploaded, I can not say, can climb any file, even bookmarks.
Limitation of 10 uploads a day is not chiseled in stone, can climb as many files if you delete from them, so stick with the size limit, you can upload files up 25 MB.
Like any business, CloudApp has a commercial version of the service where we do not limit the number of uploads, we just limit the size of uploaded files, you can upload files up 250 MB, not bad when you consider that it is cloud space, no limit.
Of course, there are more online storage services bidding on infrastructure but CloudApp App Fluffy app shines when it comes to screenshots, all by pressing a single key.

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Everything is logical, just follow the logic.
Enjoy !
by Cristian Cismaru


Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (23)

  • Cristi see using avast.
    Do not use kaspersky or expired knew licenta.bun tutorial!
    You can do a tutorial on winbubble?

  • Cristi / Adrian, I thought of something :)) I hope I don't receive swearing now aa .. would you like to do a contest like this for the loyal visitors of the site? for example something like this: which makes the most interesting tutorial to be posted on the video tutorial (as a guest of course :)) not as admin) it would be interesting maybe I would discover other secrets about the pc or please something new in the field, I would participate and I: P I don't have such a good diction but I try. ok I wasn't kidding, I was really serious, it would be nice to organize a contest or something like that for us site visitors, without cash prizes and other things just the possibility of a tutorial. Thanks

  • Hi, great tutorial and application too. It helped me a lot!

    I have a question, what these videotutoriale recorded program?

  • interesting "tool". for those who are interested in a very good cloud based screencast is one here. And seems to have no limit on size, duration or number of records

    • unix:
      interesting "tool." Who's interested in a very good screencast is one based cloud., and seems to have no limit on size, duration or number of records

      Interesting but the quality leaves a lot to be desired ... I think Screenr.com is a better service that does about the same thing but with a much better quality and extra features, it allows you to download the video or upload it directly on YouTube, you have integration with social services so that once the video is posted, if you want it will be automatically published on the facebook wall or on twitter. A tutorial about screenr ai HERE

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