9 settings to change immediately in iOS 14 on iPhone and iPad

9 settings to change immediately in iOS 14

About the video tutorial 9 settings to change immediately in iOS 14

In today's video (9 settings to be changed immediately in iOS 14) we will talk about the new iOS 14 operating system as well as about 9 settings that, I think, you should change immediately.
Why do I say immediately? Because many of these settings are extremely useful and because, unfortunately, they come disabled basic for those with iPhone models older than iPhone 11.

1 Ability to change the default browser and email application

Although on Android we have long been able to choose which default application to use for music, browser, email, payments, wizard, call, SMS, on iOS there is no such possibility.

With the new iOS 14 we have the ability to set the default application, unfortunately, only for browser or email. This means that, from now on, we can set in iOS 14 that the links no longer open with the Safari browser but with Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

The same goes for e-mail. We can set that when we reach an e-mail address, the pre-installed Mail application on the iPhone will no longer open, but a Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Spark or other e-mail application that you want to use by default.

Honestly, I would have liked the possibility that instead of Maps pre-installed on the iPhone, we can use Google Maps, Waze or any map application. But, who knows, maybe in iOS 15!?!?

2 Possibility to hide the Hidden folder in the gallery, Albums section

Until now, in previous versions of iOS, when I hid a photo, it disappeared from the Library section and went to a folder called Hidden, existing in the Albums section.

From now on, in iOS 14 we can hide the Hidden folder in the Albums section.

3 Possibility to disable precise location for suspicious applications or for which we would not always want to know our exact location

Being concerned about privacy and confidentiality and security is legitimate.

In this context, Apple introduces an interesting feature in iOS 14. We now have the ability to disable their access to the exact location for applications that use our location. By doing so, the applications for which we have disabled access to the precise location, will still have access to our location but not to the precise or exact location where we are but to an approximate one.

This function must be used carefully for the applications from which you order food or the applications from which you order a taxi. If the location is not accurate but approximate, your food or taxi ordered, may not reach you!

Disable precise location only for applications that are not important to you.

4 Ability to filter SMS messages

For those with OSD or who like a list of beautifully organized messages in the Messages application (iMessage) Apple has thought of introducing in iOS 14 the ability to enable automatic filtering of received messages.

By activating the filtering of messages / sms in the Messages application, the operating system will automatically sort the received messages using 3 filters.

  • All messages: section that will show you all SMS messages no matter who you receive them from
  • Known senders: section that will show you only the SMS messages received from the numbers you have in your phonebook
  • Unknown: section that will show you only the SMS messages received from numbers that you do not have in your address book, from short numbers, advertising campaigns, companies or companies, in principle, unwanted or unsolicited messages.

5 Options to have a main screen as organized as possible

The biggest problem iOS had so far was the poor organization of the main screens and few options to have a main screen (or more) as organized as possible.

All the applications you installed were thrown on the main screen, there is no drawer with applications as there has always been on Android.

After installing everything you needed, you woke up with 5-6 pages of main screen and either organized them later in folders, or left them like that.

In iOS 14 we now have the ability to hide from the main screens if we have applications on them that we do not use so often and we also have a new section, on the right, at the end of the main page, a section called Application Library.

A section in which the operating system automatically organizes all our applications into categories or we can see them all, in list format, arranged in alphabetical order. The Application Library section also has a search box to quickly and easily find any application we need.

Also related to the organization of the main screen, we have a new function that allows us to choose whether we want the future applications we download to be put on the main screen (as it happens on older versions of iOS) or to appear only in the Application Library section so we can keep a main screen as clean as possible.

6 Private WiFi

Another new feature introduced in iOS 14 and very useful for those concerned about privacy, security and privacy but that the Android operating system has long had is the possibility that the MAC address of the WiFi module in the iPhone is randomized (always another) automatically then when you connect to different WiFi networks.

What does this help? In short, it prevents criminals from tracking you down. If someone collects the MAC addresses of devices connected in the city to different WiFi networks, if your MAC address remains the same, that person could figure out the route you took through the city, where you were, while you were there.

This means that you never turn off your iPhone's WiFi when you leave home and that you connect to every public WiFi network that gets in the way, from PUBs, public transport, parks.

7 Finally we can change the resolution and the frames we shoot, directly from the camera!

To be honest, it took Apple a few years to understand that it was completely illogical and out of hand to get out of the room, go to Settings, look for the Camera section, go to the Shooting section and only from there you could change the resolution and frames you want to shoot.

Then, after setting what you had to set, you left Settings, opened the Camera app again, and started filming.

So? If, of course, you changed your mind and wanted to change the resolution and the frames again, you would start all over again.

No matter how much you love the iPhone, I don't think anyone liked it. It was probably the most illogical and awkward thing about an iPhone.

But let's be positive. In 2020, Apple has now introduced in iOS 14, the ability to change the resolution and frames you shoot, directly from the Camera application. Yeee! Let's remember this year, I say

8 Useful functions for double or triple touch on the back of the iPhone

This is where Apple hit me and this function received a lot of attention from the press. In iOS 14 you can now add all sorts of interesting double-tap features on the back of the iPhone and another triple-tap feature.

For example, I set the Easy Access activation to double-tap, the way the top of the screen goes down to the middle of the screen so I can use it with one hand.

Yes, I already know that this can be done by double-tapping the main button.

When I tapped, I set the phone to take a screenshot. It's more convenient for me than pressing the Power button and the main button on an iPhone 8 Plus at the same time. The classic method involves using two hands for a screenshot.

Really? No thanks!

9 Recognizing the sounds around us

An extremely useful feature in iOS 14 is to enable on iPhone to send a notification when he recognizes / hears a dog barking, a cat meowing, a doorbell, a knock on the door, a fire alarm, smoke, running water, a baby crying.

What is it for? Among us there are also people with disabilities, hearing impairments and a yawning that stays all day with headphones in his ear to break everything around him, it can be extremely useful.

It could even save their lives! You may not hear the smoke or fire alarm, you may not hear the bell, but you are always on the phone screen. When these sounds are detected, the iPhone sends you a notification.

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Video tutorial - 9 settings to change immediately in iOS 14

Adrian: Hungry for information and knowledge, I like everything related to the technical field and I share my knowledge with great pleasure. Those who give themselves to others will lose themselves but usefully, leaving something useful to others. Enjoying this privilege, I will never say "I don't know", but "I don't know yet"!

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