Dark Mode Enable Youtube and the new interface design material

Dark Mode Enable Youtube

Hello friends, today's tutorial we'll see how we can set a background (background) Black and YouTube.
Dark Mode will activate without using browser extensions or add-ons.

What browsers go Dark Mode

Dark Mode can enable YouTube on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

Special functions Youtube

YouTube always has new features (features) that anyone can test before they can be implemented in the main interface. These new features can be tried going down the page and clicking on YouTube Test new features.
These features can be tested by anyone and if something you like or something is not working as it should, you can provide feedback to the YouTube and of course you can always give new features.

The new way Dark Mode YouTube

The most interesting feature of the new design that, I think, YouTube will implement in the near future is YouTube Dark Mode.

Dark Mode Enable Youtube

Activating YouTube Dark Mode, regardless of the section where you are in the YouTube site background will be black and white text. One very useful for those who are used to using more YouTube site at night or for those who have vision problems. Unfortunately these features, if we choose to use, will only work on desktop browser

Youtube New Material Design

Whether some call Material Design for YouTube and other YouTube Dark Mode, these features are interesting and useful. You will also notice other small changes that we find in the future Youtube web interface.

The code to be inserted into the console:

document.cookie = "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE = fPQ4jCL6EiE"

To have the setting even after rebooting, add:

var cookieDate = new Date ();
cookieDate.setFullYear (cookieDate.getFullYear () + 1);
document.cookie = "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE = fPQ4jCL6EiE; expires =" + cookieDate.toGMTString () + "; path = /";

Activate Dark Mode Youtube - video tutorial

Adrian: Hungry for information and knowledge, I like everything related to the technical field and I share my knowledge with great pleasure. Those who give themselves to others will lose themselves but usefully, leaving something useful to others. Enjoying this privilege, I will never say "I don't know", but "I don't know yet"!

View Comments (26)

  • I followed the instructions step by step for Google Chrome but I noticed that after closing Chrome and open it again and get on youtube did not remain set and you have to do every time Open the Google Chrome

  • If you want the new interface and Dark Mode setting to persist (remain active and if you close and reopen your browser), use this code instead of the article:
    var cookieDate = new Date();
    cookieDate.setFullYear(cookieDate.getFullYear( ) + 1);
    document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE; expires=" + cookieDate.toGMTString( ) + "; path=/";

  • HostDolphins Dark + Black Theme I use this extension for Chrome. I do not know if and for work. I hope to implement in yt theme. they deserve

  • Hi Adrian, I tried it several times in Firefox today (I had tried it before) ... nothing, I don't see that activation button dead! I have the latest version of Firefox ... Well, I have to use Stylish for this ...

    • As I said in tutorial, Firefox blocks past-area (bonding) text into the text console.
      In the box you must enter the code you have to write first allow pasting
      Then remove and allow pasting of the box and then press Enter PASTOR code.

  • I hope to experience overwork or something to have a button somewhere up that hit him directly activate and black theme. I use Magic Youtube so far, but if I give up that theme extension that made YouTube.

  • Hello

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