Bing image creator images from words – the unique image creator AI

What is the tutorial "Bing image creator images from words" about

In this video tutorial "Bing image creator images from words" I present the new word image creator from Microsoft. With it, users can make images from some instructions of a few words.

What is Bing Image Creator?

Bing Image Creator is a service from Microsoft based on Artificial Intelligence, which can create images from words.

Bing Image Creator is based on the DALL-E engine, which has been known in the field for some time.

Bing Image Creator is accessible to all users in Romania

There is also a limit of 8 requests, meaning you can generate 8 sets of images with the help of the AI. An image has 4 smaller images that have small differences between them.

How does Bing Image Creator work?

With the Microsoft account (if you don't have one, you will) enter the address

Once here, you must write in the respective field what you want the image to contain. For now, the description of the image you want the AI ​​to generate can only be written in English.

After giving the instructions, press the Create or Create button

The image will be generated and you will notice that there are 4 images in one frame. These images have slight variations, as if you can't help but like one.

If you don't like what came out, you can change the description and press create again. But beware, you only have 8 generation per day, at least for now.

…..see more in the video tutorial

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Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!
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