
Animation creation tutorial with Pivot Animator - simple and free - "stickman"

Animation creation tutorial with Pivot Animator What is it about in the video tutorial "animation creation tutorial with Pivot Animator…

PowToon, a free service for professional business presentations - video tutorial

Hello friends, in this video tutorial I will present a very interesting online service, it is called PowToon and we…

Screencast-O-Matic, desktop capture and animated gif from capture made without software - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will see how we can take a desktop screenshot without installing software but

How can we easily create a banner for the site, a logo or an avatar, without any software - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will learn how we can easily create a banner for our site or…

How to make an animated GIF avatar using the online service and a webcam - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will show you how to make a simple animation in animated GIF format…

Microsoft ICE and Photosynth or how to make panoramic images and 3D images - video tutorial

Hello friends, in today's tutorial we will learn together how we can make panoramic images and how we can make a…

Gimp free design program part 4, tricks, effects, animations, web design, html - video tutorial

This tutorial is the last in a series of tutorials for using the GIMP graphic editing program. In today's tutorial are addressed…

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