Managers passwords

Hide private pictures in a locked folder – separate from the gallery

Hide private pictures in a locked folder What is the tutorial Hide private pictures in a locked folder about? In the…

How to reset your Windows password if you forget it :-)

How to reset your Windows password if you forgot it How to reset your Windows password if you forgot it…

Wifi password finder for any network

Finding the wifi password for any network Probably everyone connected once to a wifi network with the PC and from

Display wireless password stored in your phone or tablet

Hello friends, in today's tutorial we will talk about wireless and Android. Specifically we will see how we can recover…

Kaspersky Pure, more than a security suite, absolute safety - video tutorial

Hello friends, today I will present you the best product for home users from Kaspersky's portfolio, this product is…

Securing, creating and modifying user accounts in Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will learn together about security in windows, how we can create an account of…

LastPass password manager brilliant a comfortable and extremely safe - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will present a free password manager, it is called LastPass, in free translation…

Protecting and managing passwords with the free KeePass - video tutorial

KeePass is a free, small, very easy to use program to protect your passwords used in Windows and not…

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