Infobot, a robot for Yahoo Messenger that knows the weather, horoscope, top movies, etc. - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial I am pleased to introduce a robot for Yahoo Messenger you can inform us about the weather, horoscopes, among the hottest movies, you can put us define words translate into any language we want , we can ask of any addresses postcode in Romania, as well as the telephone area code of a city in Romania, we say that winning the lottery numbers from last week, we can ask what the exchange rate and we can not ask you to do even heavy mathematical operations can for us.
As promised here is the tutorial and the list of abbreviations for the languages ​​used in translation:
ro - Roman ga - Irish
en - english it - italian
de - German and Japanese
fr - french ko - koreana
af - africana lv - letona
sq - Albanian lt - Lithuanian
ar - Arabic mk - Macedonian
be - belarusa ms - malaeza
bg - Bulgarian mt - Maltese
ca - Catalan not - Norwegian
zh - Chinese fa - blind
hr - Croatian pl - Polish
cs - Czech pt - Portuguese
yes - Danish ru - Russian
nl - Dutch sr - Serbian
et - Estonian sk - Slovak
tl - Filipino sl - Slovenian
fi - Finnish es - Spanish
gl - galician sw - swahili
he - Greek sv - Swedish
he - Hebrew th - Thai
hi - indusa tr - Turkish
hu - Hungarian uk - Ukrainian
is - Icelandic vi - Vietnamese
the Indonesian cy - galeza

The funniest thing infobot, tells jokes and if somehow have, for some reason we are upset or bored. I found this extremely useful robot that often happens to miss the news and weather, or simply I do not know how a transaction is Dolaru or euros. Without hesitation infobot robot helped me every time without telling me he is tired
Remember, if you have suggestions, complaints or additions do not hesitate to write in the comments box, de-also if you met the comments box a user has a problem and you can help him, do not hesitate to do it, the only way we can do this place better, see the comments box!
Enjoy !
UPDATE 26-06-2010
If you go try to use one ID THESE SITES: infobotro7, infobotro10, infobotro11, infobotro12

Adrian Burlugeanu....

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

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