Recording and interception distance calls from any phone Android

Registration and intercept calls remotely

Remote call recording and interception - how to do it?

To register your phone calls, we use a program called ACR, which is free. This allows us to automatically record all calls or only certain calls with filtering per contact.

ACR call recording application.

Is an application for Android seemingly simple but provides a lot of options. With a little patience we can make application to perform well in the background without disturbing us all the time with notifications.

Stop notifications of call recording application ACR.

To permanently stop app notifications, we must disable notifications and app settings and settings for notifications Android.

Why stop notifications while recording calls?

A simple reason would be tried notification. A more important reason is transforming into an application spy app that records calls and send them to the cloud or to an FTP server.
How ACR turn into a spy software to intercept calls?
1. ACR version free si ACR commercial version (5 lei)
2. Stop all notifications
3. Account Set Up Sync cloud (dropbox, drive, FTP, etc.)
4. Hide application with Apex launcher (or something else)
5. Access minutes of that phone record
What's more, interception application for limited budget spies; 5 lei and get to work.

How legal is recording calls?

In principle recording calls it is not legal, unless both sides agree.
However, there are cases in which it is good to record calls, for example:
1. If you receive threats by telephone
2. If you are blackmailed
3. If you are assaulted
I mean a kind of self-defense. Eventually any gun you can not use it if you have not allowed; but sometimes a gun can save your life, even if you have no license to carry the weapon.

Why I say that is ACR barge best call recording application?

A simple answer would be "SETTINGS". This application offers a lot of settings, so we can transform it to our liking.
The main functions offered by ACR:
1. We notification settings
2. Settings for recording, microphone, Bluetooth, speaker.
3. Upload settings in the cloud or FTP
4. Send entries by email
5. Filter settings per contact
6. Auto or manual recording
7. Application password protection
8. Various recording formats
9. Late registration
10. Automatically delete records

Video tutorial - Recording and intercepting remote calls

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (39)

    • You can record calls on your phone or you can install / set the app to another phone, to intercept conversations in your cloud account.

      • In vain you people bother to explain superficial. Normally it in their head if things do not bind the tutorial runs and ignores the text written above tutorial believing he's put there, just so filling
        Probably guy wanted a live demo, as another put it on your phone, make a call you on another device, access calls
        Which it was clearly explained in the text and in video
        Step 1: buy the commercial version of the application
        2 step: installing on a victim's phone, disable all notifications in the app as you showed in the tutorial
        Step 3: In the settings app, Cloud put a cloud account to which you have access (Drive, Dropbox)
        Step 4: set the application calls the account registered to be loaded introduced cloud and wait for the victim to make calls
        Step 5: the device accessing your cloud account that you entered in the application settings on your victim and you'll see there recorded calls. What will be so complicated?
        I would have liked scoffer have argued that the tutorial is not related to the title. Because?!?

        • unfortunately you started awful ...... if it's for money it's not good! :))
          People only want mocha, if it's not mocha they swear

  • Our perfectly legal wiretapping
    It is illegal to intercept / record the conversation you have two other people.
    When two talk and you placed microphones to record becomes illegal. If you participate in the question and record the conversation (even if the two do not know this, they are registered) is not illegal.

  • you are allowed to record your conversations ... it is illegal to distribute them (without the consent of the interlocutor)

  • I have an LG Nexus 5 and it is limited by google / LG. It is a mistake that he cannot register because his phone is limited and he cannot use this function. .. I would put another unofficial android. I now have Android version 6.0 Marshmallow. I've never found a call recording program that didn't give me this error. On the samgung S5 it works perfectly.

  • it does not seem as good this application. I think that's the best that come standard with many phones. Now that cloud has not really matter at least for me as I manually save it to the cloud.

    • You understand nothing, you understand the power of the application. It's an application that you can hide in your beloved (if you're jealous) and because of that cloud, you find you later, speaking with her lover, without being next to her when she talks to her lover without him walk phone without physically check her phone
      Some of you are so, but so superficial, God forbid!

      • adrian I watch video head to tail before I say anything. yes I said in my case. plus if the girlfriend / boyfriend doesn't have active internet, it doesn't sync. but it is useful for those who want to spy on the rest, not only if you don't have the phone. plus the default phone application can synchronize the file if you choose the path through google drive or other programs

  • Interesting for spying! :))
    We hope you didn't abandon the project with raspberry pi - server, vpn, etc.?

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