Android on your PC or laptop, suuuper quickly 105.378 in AnTuTu

Android on your PC or laptop, the fastest ever Android.

Android on your PC or laptop

Android Pc or laptop is very easy to run or installed. We need a USB stick and an ISO image with Android x86.
If you do not know how to put Android on stick, Adrian made for you a tutorial that will show how to put Android on stick with Rufus.
ISO image with the last stable version of Android, take it from:
When I booted the first time, I thought that's not true, it was the fastest operating system run on my laptop. Everything is almost instant. For downloading apps, to walking through the interface, everything is suuuuper quickly.
With some reservations, I run AnTuTu; The result gave me back. 105.000 is a score that any phone and any Android tablet have not seen.
This tutorial is just the beginning, because I will continue to use Android on your laptop / PC to a to do it perfectly.
Android PC stability.
For some laptops you may experience problems with sound too weak, but otherwise is quite stable.
Running an operating system in live mode, I did not have enough storage to install large applications. That is a minus mode only live, which I am sure that we will solve in the next tutorial.
Video tutorial - Android on PC or laptop

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (85)

  • Cristi, how do I install myself but Android on your PC but in dual boot Windows 10 and I do not want to give up Windows. You think you can dual boot it in?

  • I greet you and I try to say a few idei.În tutorial to be noted that the android architecture is specifically designed to run x86 introducing the drivers imagine.În some other news inclined to think compared to the 've I've had it installed in the proportion of 50% quality counts USB stick and restore the quality of the laptop as it virtualizes stick.Dacă system was installed on the laptop actually think that was something even you might not have sunet.Era to see what type of partition is recommended for installation (I did ext3). From the tests we've done I noticed that not too reliable and mostly very many applications require rotire.Rotirea is stopped will not run so we will have to give up applications that were established and rest familiarizaţi.În patiently even a system can do everything we need on it so it does not surprise me occupied top place on the DistroWatch linux distributions downloaded.

  • Android moves fantastically well site on your laptop, Cristi! I'd like Android dual boot with Win10, as it has requested above, can you predict a solution.
    In addition, I have a request (offtopic): what recommendation do you have as an alternative to an Honor 6? I found it at the super offer at a store, the equivalent price of 850 lei, new with warranty, serious store. With this money, it kind of catches my eye, although I wanted the new smartphone to have an Amoled screen, after the last 2 ones with an IPS screen. My last phone with Amoled was the Galaxy S3, I seem to be missing it somewhat. :)

    • Cristi Hello!
      I have a problem at boot's USB Desktop!
      I appear
      CPU Type: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU Base Memory: 640K
      CPU ID: 067A Extended Memory: 2046M
      CPU Clock: 3.00GHz Cache Memory: 6M

      Diskette Drive A: 1.44, 3,5 '' Display Type: EGA / VGA
      Pri.Master Disk: LBA, 320GB Serial Port (s): 3F8
      Pri.Slave Disk: None Parallel Port (s): 378
      Sec. Master Disk: None DRAM at Bank (s): 0 1
      Sec. Slave Disk: None

      What can I do? Thank you in advance!

  • And a pentium processor P6100 to 2 3 GHz with giga memory moves very well miss with a problem I can not connect to the internet via wifi.
    Cristi Any idea why?

  • Hi, Please help me in trouble.
    I want to get an email address on a free online service that does not require compulsory registration phone number as Yahoo, Gmail etc.
    I tried and iLink (on Videotutorial) but they ask and phone number.
    I mention that I can not receive telephone and SMS code to record me.
    Thanks, Aneta.

    • Install Thunderbird and you can email the services offered by it, or ... there would be other solutions but I can't tell them here that they would be censored. Use the address of a trusted friend.

  • Hello, felcictari for Cristian tutorial, I had myself a question about this tutorial, an older configuration is possible to run Android? . Configuration is next, Intel Celeron processor 2.80ghz, socket 775, 1500 GB RAM, GB HDD 80 and 128 MB video card. Thank you !!!

      • Hi Cristi, why they did not use it for. 2gb installation space than about the total 80 gb hdd. So I had only 2 GB storage space and recognized that, and a few other problems encountered.
        It all promised to come tutorial. I hope you succeed. All the best.

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