Location by phone number without net SMS

Location By Phone Number can be done quite easily, it is a method of locating a phone without knowing anything about the location where the phone is to be located.
We do not need even the net, just the phone to send SMS.

How to locate someone by phone number?

Tasker app, we set the phone to be located profile. Basically we will automate the process of sending an SMS with your location, if your phone has a missed call from our numbers.
For everything to go well, we must have access to the phone located at least several minutes to install tasker and can set the profile.

Why would we want to do location by phone number?

1. When people age, so they do not wander
2. If we give your toddler
3. If we want to improvise car GPS surveillance with an older phone
4. Maybe we want to spying on friends or family
5. Maybe we want to make a farce

What it is and how to use Tasker?

Tasker is an automation application for Android, which can do all kinds of stuff that not going through your head at first. If you want a tutorial related Tasker, please email me the comments box. The more gather comments, the sooner will we do about Tasker.

Location By Phone Number - CODE


Picture format we receive SMS with location

It can only locate a phone number with Tasker?
It also works with other applications such but Tasker is much simpler. Tasker is a very popular, for there support and community that make it shine.
How do you locate a missing phone with a call without application and without the net?
These things can only intelligence and mobile providers. If you could only locate a phone number so easy, we have a serious security problem.
Tasker trial download link

Tasker Download Trial

Video Tutorial - Location By Phone Number


Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (58)

  • I want a tutorial with Tasker, a presentation. Have you noticed that many installed programs come in windows 10? I can no longer put the iso image on a 4gb stick, I need one of 8. As a suggestion a tutorial with windows 10, I do not need to uninstall, so I said idea, I use the enterprise version in case it matters

  • I use SMS control for some time .. but only ptr to locate your phone in case you lost and not find him.

  • Yes, I would love mir a tutorial tasker. I have a similar application, Droid Automation but although I root hardly find combinations that worthwhile.

    • It remains in "Sent", but we find a solution to delete the SMS as soon as it has been sent.

      • I'm getting something like that. If I check, at different time intervals, the location of the phone being tracked, I receive SMS messages with identical content in response. Basically, I always receive the same link as the first received. Both phones are Samsung Galaxy and have the same operating system. Please give me a solution. Thank you.

  • Hello ! Very interesting tutorial but I can not see it! You can do these tutorials in another format?

    • I changed the format and resolution for HTML5. Tell me if there are problems.

    • Use JDownloader to get it down and see if you have WinXP and you can not see it. This video is on youtube.com !!
      I took him down. I could not see him.

  • Tutotial nice, congratulations.
    A videotutorial about tasker think it would be very useful. It would be useful to explain how it can be optimized with Android's tasker.

    • 1. For rootless phones, the "Location" must be turned on.
      2. For rooted phones, you can install the "Secure Settings" application which will start "Location" even if it is turned off.

      • Well and how do I use secure setings, I want to locate a phone number as I do, I can't do it at all

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