Changing the color of eyes and eyebrows in photos - on the phone

What is this video tutorial about "Changing the color of eyes and eyebrows in photos"

In this video tutorial, Change the color of eyes and eyebrows in photos, I present you an application for Android, with which you can change the shape of the eyes, the color of the eyes and the eyebrows in the photos.

The app is free and works well, but there are some ads from time to time

Why change eye color in pictures?

Whether where I took the picture there was not enough light, or whether we want to make changes that send to the artificial, it is good that changes can be made afterwards.

There are plenty of apps that do this, but few that are free work well

How to use Eye color changer app

Change eye color and shape in pictures!

After you download Eye color changer from the Google Play store, open it, select Eye lens Editor for changing eye color or Eye Brow Editor for eyebrows.

Select a picture you want to modify and choose the image format, i.e. crop or leave the original format

After that, a wizard will start in which you have to mark the position of the eyes, delimit the iris and indicate the limits of the eyelids

Once you do that, everything becomes extremely simple

You just need to select your eye color, color intensity, pupil size, etc

When you're done, press save at the top

Brow makeovers to brows in pictures!

From the main menu, select Eye brow editor, choose picture, choose format

With the photo in the editor, press down on Eye brow to choose the shape and color of the eyebrows

Once you have chosen the most suitable eyebrows, scroll down to "Adjust" and here you can make changes as you wish, selecting each eyebrow in turn

At the end, click on another area of ​​the picture to make the border disappear and click on save

….see also the video tutorial

Eye color changer - Play Store

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Changing the color of eyes and eyebrows in photos - video tutorial

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

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