Smart outlet with remote programming - outlet control via the app

Smart adapter with remote programming

What is it about in the video tutorial Smart outlet with remote programming

In this video tutorial "Smart socket with remote programming" I will present you a smart socket, which is actually a smart adapter that allows us to automate wall sockets.

What is a smart plug?

Smart sockets are actually switches with the following functions:

  1. Control On – Off from the distance
  2. Schedule to start - stop after a certain schedule
  3. Monitoring the consumption of connected devices
  4. Real-time consumption monitoring
  5. Operation of settings through an application
  6. Voice control with Alexa and Google Assistant

In fact, the smart socket offers a classic socket certain additional functions

What is the use of a smart socket?

In addition to simply turning on and off from a distance, we can use the smart socket in various scenarios.

  1. Creating an irrigation system with programming and remote control
  2. Remote start and stop for various things (external roller blinds, motorized awnings)
  3. Heating control for a holiday home
  4. Control of appliances for rented premises
  5. Fresh water for pets

How much does a smart socket or adapter cost?

I paid 60 lei at Dedeman, but they can be found in most DIY stores and online stores.

What to pay attention to when buying a smart plug or adapter

  1. If it's an adapter, pay attention to the dimensions
  2. Be careful to support a high load (16A)
  3. If you're interested, be sure to also support personal assistants (Alexa – Google)
  4. Be careful, it works on its own; not require a hub (better ask in store)

Where did I get the smart plug from the tutorial?

From Dedeman

The application for the smart socket (Smart Life – Smart Living)

.... See the video with the smart socket adapter

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Video tutorial – Smart socket with remote programming

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!
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