Buttons with funny sounds on your phone - real life MEME sounds

What's in the video tutorial Buttons with funny sounds on your phone?

In this video tutorial called Buttons with funny sounds on your phone, I will show you how to put widgets buttons on the screen with instant sounds.

Why would anyone want to have buttons with funny sounds on the screen

There are many situations in which sounds can make all the money. Here are some examples:

  1. A friend is lying about something - then the FAIL sound works
  2. An acquaintance exaggerates something - then the DRAMA sound works
  3. One is talking about a conspiracy - then the X-Files goes
  4. If a loved one thinks too much about something - the ERROR sound works

You can make enemies if you get angry, but it's also funny

These sounds may annoy your acquaintances, but I say it's worth the effort. After all, everyone can have fun.

What's the name of the app that makes instant buttons on your screen with funny sounds

It can be found in the App Store, in the Google Play Store and is free. It is an old application that the world has never tired of.

Instant Buttons for iOS

Instant Buttons for Android

What kind of sounds do we find in Instant Buttons?

We find everything from funny meme-style sounds to full audio tracks or pieces of audio tracks like the chorus.

We also find all kinds of sounds recorded by people and uploaded on the platform.

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Buttons with funny sounds on the phone - video tutorial

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

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