
USB Multiboot Stick with Multiple ISOs - Become a PC Troubleshooter

What is the multiboot USB stick tutorial with multiple ISOs about? In the USB multiboot stick tutorial with ISO…

Install Android and Windows on the same PC in Dual Boot

Today I thought I would show you how to do an Android installation in Dual Boot with Windows 10 - Installation…

Create a new partition on a Windows disk

Creating a new partition on a Windows disk In this tutorial I will show you how to create a partition…

How to make a Windows recovery partition - from a current partition

How do you make a recovery partition with Windows? We need some free space on one of the hard drives and

Remix OS, Android PC, almost like a Windows

Remix OS is an Android-based operating system that looks a lot like Windows or better…

MultiROM multiple operating systems on the same phone

MultiRom is an application that helps us to make many boots on Android phones. That is to run more systems…

How to delete Windows 8 from a dual boot with Windows 7 - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will see how we can delete the Windows 8 operating system in case of a…

How to run Ubuntu or another distro on an Android phone or tablet - video tutorial

Hi friends, today we will do something a little weirder, we will try and eventually we will manage to run Ubuntu…

How to rename operating systems in Boot Manager in case of a multi boot Windows - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will see how to rename the entries in the computer's boot menu if…

Installation and presentation of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, in dual boot with Windows - video tutorial

Hi friends, in today's tutorial we will see what's new in Ubuntu version 11.04 Natty Narwhal and a…

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