Instantly find the prices of Lidl store products - search in lists

What it is about in the tutorial Find instantly the prices of Lidl store products

In the tutorial Find instantly the prices of Lidl store products I will show you how you can quickly find any price from Lidl or from any long price list, which contains a lot of entries.

Where you can find the prices of products in stores

In general, stores offer prices to customers, but unfortunately they are not easily accessible and we do not have them all in one list.

At Lidl, their pricing policy is more transparent. That's why on their website, you can find the updated price list.

Maybe other stores publish the prices up to date, but I didn't find them.

How can you find a price of a product among thousands of prices in the list

For some it's ridiculous what I'm going to say now, but for the vast majority, I'm talking at least about those I know, I don't know how to use the search in a document or even in a text file.

In short, at Lidl:

  1. Enter at up-to-date price list page
  2. You open the price list
  3. Enter the top right menu and download the PDF list
  4. In PDF you search for the product that interests you and the application will find it instantly

Why doesn't anyone use searching web pages, documents, or text files?

I can't answer that question, but probably the reason is closely related to how everyone got used to using the computer.

Most users are not pressed for time to become more productive and therefore spend too much time on simple tasks, instead of finding ways to execute them faster.

I saw people, who were really a bit old, who looked in an excel document, a price, and scrolled each line in turn. When I asked him why he did that, he replied that he got used to it.

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Video tutorial - Instantly find the prices of Lidl store products

Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

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