Meldown and Specter vulnerabilities affect ALL processors in the world, regardless of the operating system.
In recent days, the international press has begun to speculate on the subject of the Meltdown and Specter vulnerabilities discovered in the Intel AMD and ARM processors.

The right option!

The truth is that intel has a serious vulnerability on all processors manufactured in the LAST 10 YEARS…. LAST 10 YEARS ????
These days the information comes to the surface; why? Because it was too hard a blow and hard to bear, and they probably waited to find something at AMD or ARM, as… shares the damage with them. It's not a personal matter, it's just propaganda and marketing.

How Affected Are the Processors?

INTEL is the most affected by this situation because it has the worst vulnerability that is impossible to repair because it is hardware.

What is hardware vulnerability?

It seems that Intel intentionally left some loopholes open in their processors, and even "ambushes installed in the processor".

Intel has installed operating systems in the processor?

Believe it or not, intel is installed in a remote operating system that can read data stored on disks.
The operating system is very small, just the kernel and a few modules. This operating system installed by the Intel processors is called MINIX. Madărfacării .... !!!

How do you know if you have Meltdown or Specter?

You can find a small software on the Intel website to detect the presence of danger. link below

How to repair the vulnerable processor affected by Meltdown and Specter?

Microsoft released an update that solves the problem. If you do not have the updates turned on, you have a direct download link below.
Linux and macOS will also release updates if they have already done so.

Meltdown and Specter vulnerability detection "tool"
The update that "fixes" the Meltdown and Specter vulnerability (if you do not have open updates)


Cristian Cismaru: I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day. I'm learning to teach you!

View Comments (57)

    • Well, that's it, with the quotes. I said in the tutorial that the problem on Intel processors is hardware, and this update is that some kind of PLASTURE is not a repair.

  • I knew why I've been on AMD for almost 15 years !!! :) Many of us don't even realize how serious the problem is! Of course, a normal user does not have to worry but I am thinking of large and multinational companies, governments and security agencies, etc ...

    • ALL CPUs are affected. Intel's Intel processors are the most affected, but AMD or ARM is affected as well.

      • I have two intel due you know what the intel told me that such processors do not get support from them! If not from them then from who ?????

  • Here's how it says to me: This system is vulnerable, even today I received this update: 2018-01 Monthly Security Update Updates for Windows 7 for x64 based systems (KB4056894) The test I made after this update, I hope that it is seen as using windows 7.

  • I give error when I want to update and I have my pc vulnerable
    I have not received any updates like this ..

  • It will not shake in vain. The stuff here is and will always be, the problem for us is not this, because it has not been reported anything related to leaked information related or related to this problem. And if there is something important NSA questions, if that is the case, or hackers will not steal your pictures with sausages when you smoke them. IMPORTANT is how to keep away the programs that make the slave processors for the bitcoin mining. 50 beta work that he does something like that.

  • I did not update. Message: Based on the analysis performed by this tool: This system is not vulnerable. PS Intel i7-3537U CPU @ 2.00GHz

      • Mr. Cristi A video tutorial about IPTV can be used abroad on smart TVs, I saw that what is from telekom they have this internet television service. Thanks

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