Dexpot, 4 or more virtual desktops for Windows - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will present a program that helps us create more desktops, default only comes with 4 but we can create more, the software is called Dexpot and runs incredibly well. Those who used Ubuntu Linux or other distributions know very well that on the linux platform they have more desktops or work surfaces, they help us to [Read more...]

How activate the default AHCI and NCQ for better performance of hard disk

Hello friends, in this video tutorial I will show you how to activate AHCI for a windows 7 or vista already installed, AHCI means Advanced Host Controller Interface, ie a more advanced management of the hard disk, together with AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) NCQ is activated which does not work without AHCI, after activation we will have a faster hard drive and default… [Read more...]