Bitcoin mining from video card for money on the internet - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial we will continue with the discussion about Bitcoin that I started a few days ago, for those who did not follow the last tutorial, it was an introduction to the world of bitcoin, if you have not seen it I invite you to watch it: Bitcoin, make money with the help of a high-performance computerToday we will talk about mining (with the computer). We have [Read more...]

How to receive money by email and how to make a donation button with paypal - video tutorial

In this tutorial we will continue the discussion about PayPal, in the first phase you will receive the answers to some questions you asked in the comments section. After that we will move on to the presentation of the PayPal account, for the first time we will explain each button and submenu in the PayPal account and the functions it has. From the PayPal account we can perform all kinds of operations, the following… [Read more...]