The fastest USB stick hand assembled 3

We all want storage devices as fast as possible, so we don't waste time transferring files. SSDs are very fast, but cannot be connected quickly for data transfer. USB sticks are very portable and easy to use for transfer between computers. The fastest usb stick 3 In today's project we will enlarge / marry an SSD with USB 3.0 port,… [Read more...]

Hard disk rack transfer speed test on USB 3.0 - video tutorial

Hello friends, in this tutorial I will present a USB 3.0 rack for 2,5 "hard drives, this is produced by the company Inter-Tech / Sinan (not very well known). Using this rack together with a hard drive on SATA we can get an external hard drive quite fast, much faster than any external hard drive on USB 2.0. Last time I showed you "How to make an external hard drive from a… [Read more...]