Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite review - the only "S" with Snapdragon in Europe

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite review What is the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite review review about? This review is about the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite smartphone. It is a review that comes after almost 3 months of continuous testing. In fact, the phone has been used normally and continuously for almost 3 months. A CORRECT review is increasingly difficult to… [Read more...]

Samsung S10 Lite Business of the moment - Snapdragon 855 IS NOT LITE!

Samsung S10 Lite Business of the Moment What is the Samsung S10 Lite Business of the Moment article about? Obviously this is the Samsung S10 Lite which is the business of the moment from my point of view. Even if Samsung chose the name Lite, this phone is not a mediocre phone at all. Top specifications for 2019 with design from… [Read more...]