QR Code with direct dialing – instead of a phone number on the windshield, in the parking lot

QR Code with Dialer What is the QR Code with Direct Dialer tutorial about? I'm going to show you how to make a QR Code with direct dialing for when we park in different areas, so we don't get confused. We will extremely quickly make a QR code to put in the windshield, so that we can be called faster. What is a QR Code? The QR Code is a code that hides behind it... [Read more...]

How to make QR codes for anything

How to make QR codes for anything About what is the video tutorial How to make QR codes for anything? In the tutorial how to make QR codes for whatever I show you, QR codes are made and then we can print them. These QR codes will be readable and thus we will be able to transfer simple information very easily, in a very fast way. What are QR codes? QR code, or [Read more...]

What they are, what they are used for and how to generate QR Code, DataMatrix or EZ Code barcodes - video tutorial

Hello friends, in this tutorial I will show you how you can generate barcodes with which you can transmit different information, these codes are of several types: QR Code, DataMatrix, EZ Code, etc., among these the best QR Code was imposed , these codes can be read with a mobile phone or a quality webcam. Even we on the video tutorial have a code… [Read more...]