How to make an app from a website with Native Alpha – video tutorial

Video tutorial - How to make an application from a website with Native Alpha What is the video tutorial about How to make an application from a website? In today's tutorial, How to Make an App from a Website, I'm introducing the Native Alpha app, which can turn your favorite website into an app that you can launch from your home screen. What is Native Alpha… [Read more...]

How to make a website, part 1, domain and hosting - video tutorial

Hello friends, today we will start a series of tutorials that finally aim to create a real site, not just a second page of proof but a real site with everything it needs, these tutorials will be very detailed compared to those presented so far, so please pay close attention to what is said in the tutorial. Who really wants to make a site on a… [Read more...]

How can we bring the desktop e-mails from gmail with mozilla thunderbird-video tutorial

In this video tutorial, we will download and install a program that can bring our emails to the desktop and that can help us read an email without being connected to the internet. Think that maybe you have 2-3 e-mail addresses and you won't have to connect to each server because mozilla thunderbird will take care of and bring all your e-mails to [Read more...]