Efficient management of bookmarks in Firefox and their export to other browsers - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this tutorial I will explain how things are with bookmarks or how everyone knows their favorite browsers, we will learn how to order them more efficiently, how to place them more comfortably, how to import them into other browsers and how to save it or how to back it up in cases where we have to reinstall the system, or… [Read more...]

How to configure the Outlook Express email client to sync with your Gmail email account - video tutorial

Hello friends, in today's tutorial we will learn how to use the Outlook Express mail client in Windows XP to synchronize our Gmail emails and bring them to our Desktop. For those interested in the Thunderbird client, my colleague Boby has already made a video tutorial about it. Why would we choose to use a mail client? One reason would be that… [Read more...]

How to disable the window with the Settings Wizard that appears when running the Internet Explorer 8 browser - video tutorial

Hello friends, in today's tutorial we will talk about Internet Explorer 8, more precisely about how to deactivate the settings wizard window that appears after installing this browser. Even in Windows 7, when you run your Internet Explorer browser for the first time, that "Set up Windows Internet Explorer 8" window will appear. Although we go through the izard wizard [Read more...]

How to install Opera Mobile on Windows - video tutorial

In today's tutorial we will learn together how to install Opera Mobile on Windows. For those who don't know, Opera Mobile is a browser optimized for mobile phones or smartphones. A very popular browser in the world of mobile phones, probably the most used browser on mobile devices. In today's tutorial we will go through the steps of installing this… [Read more...]

Digsby, better than Yahoo Messenger? - video tutorial

Hello friends, in today's tutorial I will present an instant messaging software that allows us to log in to several different accounts, unlike Yahoo Messenger with which we can connect only in the Yahoo network, all accounts are accessible from a single list . It's about Digsby, a multi-protocol social client that allows us to log in to Yahoo accounts, [Read more...]

Configure the wireless connection between a router and an access point - video tutorial

This tutorial describes how to set up a wireless network. In this case, the video tutorial shows the settings to be made for an Asus wireless router and a Planet access point. Using such devices you can use the internet connection without the interconnection cables between the computer and the router, also… [Read more...]

Steam, hundreds of new games in free demo version just a click away - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this tutorial we will talk about a platform dedicated to game enthusiasts, without exaggerating, I could say that the Steam platform is a paradise for gamers. Game enthusiasts will find the latest games released, if they do not want to buy or have no money , I can play the latest releases in the demo version, the demos will be installed on the computer with just a few clicks,… [Read more...]

How to backup firefox add-ons - video tutorial

Hello friends, in this tutorial I propose a simple solution to back up our Firefox add-ons. We all use them and many of us use many, all good and beautiful until one day because Windows has gone crazy and we have to reinstall the system. Given the fact that we have so many add-ons it's not exactly nice to write on a… [Read more...]

Firefox 4 Beta 6 presentation and installation of add-ons that are not normally supported - video tutorial

Hello friends, in today's tutorial I will show you the Firefox 4 browser that is currently in Beta and at the same time I will show you a little trick by which you will be able to install those add-ons that are not yet supported by this version. I think you all already know about this wonderful browser and the huge capabilities and potential it has and yet… [Read more...]

Internet explorer 9 with HTML 5 support and hardware acceleration - video tutorial

Hi friends, in this video tutorial I will present the new Internet Explorer 9, this is a revolutionary browser that comes with support for hardware acceleration in HTML5, in short we will put the video card to work from now on. The interface is brand new, pleasant, simple and airy, of course as long as we do not embellish it with toolbars and other wonders. Unfortunately… [Read more...]