How to make a website or blog with joomla based management interface through a browser-video tutorial

In this video tutorial we will continue what we started in the tutorial about XAMPP and as we promised you, we will install JOOMLA, which is a content management system, in short CMS and which allows us to manage and create dynamic web pages in a website. In this tutorial we will help the mysql database that we created in the last tutorial, which we will access with… [Read more...]

Creating a database with phpMyAdmin (video tutorial)

This video tutorial on databases and phpmyadmin is part of a series of video tutorials on server applications, http servers, php, mysql, phpmyadmin and creating a website or blog. We will refer in this video tutorial to the simple creation of a database (in Romanian) or database (in English) with the help of which we will install in the following video… [Read more...]

How to install a web server or http (WAMP server)?

We will watch a video tutorial in which you learn how to install a web server or http. This is not difficult at all, requiring only a little attention and focus on the film that presents the operation in detail. The software we refer to in the tutorial is actually a mini suite of programs: msql, php, phpmyadmin, sqlite manager, programs put in place by some developers… [Read more...]