Installation and setup apex dc (dc stong similar software and ODC) -tutorial

In this video tutorial we will present how to install and how to set the apex dc program. We could also talk about other programs such as odc or strong dc but apex dc as a program is clearly superior to the two programs due to the filtering options, security , file control, file preview and TTH (tiger tree hash). At apex dc we also have a facility like… [Read more...]

How to post or how to put a movie on youtube - video tutorial

How to put a movie on youtube was asked by everyone while receiving funny videos or videos through links from friends, who sent them on the famous youtube. Now it's easier than ever to post movies on youtube and watch them on your blog or on your friends' website with the help of plugins called (video endebed). In other words … [Read more...]

How do download, upload and transfer large files with FileZilla video -tutorial

How to transfer large files is a problem we have all encountered sooner or later. The methods known to all: odc, dc ++, strong-dc, bitorrent, lime wire, utorrent are some applications that can partially make a file transfer, namely only download. We want a file transfer program that can transfer files in both directions and in [Read more...]

How to transfer files via ftp-server with FileZilla tutorial video

This method is one of the most popular ways to transfer files and yet I hear people who do not know this and try to transfer files through yahoo messenger. File transfer via ftp (file transfer protocol) has a very wide spread, being used in all areas where a stable transfer method is needed and how much… [Read more...]

How to install a web server or http (WAMP server)?

We will watch a video tutorial in which you learn how to install a web server or http. This is not difficult at all, requiring only a little attention and focus on the film that presents the operation in detail. The software we refer to in the tutorial is actually a mini suite of programs: msql, php, phpmyadmin, sqlite manager, programs put in place by some developers… [Read more...]

Tutorial on how to download torrents (bit torrent file type)!

Many of you are wondering how to download movies and music from the net or how to pull music and movies through methods other than those known to everyone (FTP, direct connect, http and others) From now on I will attract a lot of criticism on me, from the supporters of the Direct Conect download protocol (odc, apex-dc, dc ++, strong-dc). The following tutorial will… [Read more...]