How to uninstall Windows components or programs tutorial video

Everyone knows how to uninstall a program from windows but when it comes to uninstalling or installing a component from windows such as internet explorer, a game, windows messenger, outlook express problems can occur and we do not know how to remove them from windows. In this video tutorial we can indicate the way through which we can open certain types of files such as: web… [Read more...]

How to delete a file locked or unlocked with free Unlocker

Problems with folders or locked files? In this video tutorial we show you how you can delete or unlock a file using the unlocker software. It often happens that we can no longer delete a file, whether it is running a service or a process in windows that we do not know or cannot stop. A problem can become when and after I restarted the pc the folder or the file… [Read more...]

Uninstall the software to correct uninstaler revo-video tutorial

In this tutorial you will follow how we can uninstall programs correctly, using a professional and free software and named or baptism revo uninstaller. Revo uninstaller will not only help us to uninstall a program correctly but will also make order after it by cleaning and registers but also temporary files left behind by software that only makes it difficult… [Read more...]