Find out the song name in a YouTube video in just 5 seconds

Find out the name of the song in a YouTube video
what is the name of the song?

What is the video tutorial about Finding the song name in a YouTube video?

In this tutorial you will see how you can find out the name of the song from a YouTube video, in case it does not appear in the description and no one in the comments will answer.

Many times we hear a song in the background, which we like, and we want to know its name, to look for it and listen to it on another occasion.

Options for finding the name of a song that appears in a video on YouTube.

  1. Read carefully the description of the video post, where sometimes the names of the songs that are heard in the video are written.
  2. Read carefully in the comments, maybe someone asked about the name of the song and received an answer.
  3. Our method - Use Shazam in split screen with the YouTube app for.
  4. Update - you can also use pop-ups from Shazam settings (credit Daniel Nita youtube comment)

What is Shazam?

A question that almost everyone knows the answer to. However, for those who haven't heard, Shazam is a song recognition app. This application, having a huge database behind it, is able to recognize very quickly almost any song heard in the background.

For song recognition Shazam it needs an internet connection and a relatively quiet environment, ie it works better in less noisy spaces.

This tutorial is not about Shazam. The topic is actually how to use split screen in a useful way, in this case with YouTube and Shazam on the phone screen at the same time.

Related Tutorials:

Video Tutorial - Learn the name of the song from a YouTube video

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About Cristian Cismaru

I like everything related to IT&C, I like to share the experience and information I accumulate every day.
Learn as you learn!


  1. Tudor Patru Marian said

    Cristi Hello!

    Thanks for the educational videos posted.
    I have a question, though.
    As far as you know, there is an application / tool to register
    on a local station, the audio (or video) component of a video / audio running in a browser
    (Chrome / Mozzila / Opera, etc.) on youtube or webinarjam (here I would be interested in recording / saving from the webinar - audio first, locally, then I can, when I have time, watch later) or another server media ?. Or how such a thing could be implemented… Thanks in advance.

  2. Tudor Patru Marian said

    I come back with a correction to the previous comment: for Youtube there is freeYTdownload and others, for webinar I am particularly interested, or other sites with audio / video media content, if there are any tools in this regard. Thank you.

  3. With bixby it goes much faster and not just on youtube.

  4. And JDownloader 2 can help you.

  5. Adrian said

    Shazam is able to recognize audio from the phone even if it is in the background (shazam), through the auto shazam function, which is activated by pressing and holding on the main buttons in the application.

  6. octavian said

    Melody-video-you tube-and not appear in the description?

  7. donisan said

    Hello. How do I launch youtube in split screen mode what to do that does not work for me galaxy s9 plus


  1. […] Find out the song name from a YouTube video in just 5 seconds […]

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